Quang Ninh Customs Flexible solutions to raise revenue


Leaders of Hon Gai Port Border Gate Customs Branch (Quang Ninh Customs Department) meet businesses. Photo provided by Quang Ninh Customs.
Leaders of Hon Gai Port Border Gate Customs Branch (Quang Ninh Customs Department) meet businesses. Photo provided by Quang Ninh Customs.

Accompanying businesses

As of April 8, 2024, Quang Ninh Customs Department collected VND4,927.3 billion, an increase of 18.3% (or VND762 billion) year-on-year, reaching 39.42% of target assigned by the Ministry of Finance (VND12,500 billion); 37.9% of the target assigned by the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, and Provincial People’s Committee (VND13,000 billion).

Talking to reporters, the leader of the Import-Export Tax Division, Quang Ninh Customs Department said that budget revenue through the area in the first quarter of 2024 soared due to the increase in imported coal amount of Vietnam Coal and Minerals Group and Dong Bac Corporation to serve the needs of electricity production. As of April 8, 2024, revenue from imported coal surged 60.7% or VND811 billion to VND2,147.62 billion. In addition, due to the increase in production, business and import-export activities of enterprises, revenue from imported raw materials for animal feed production, machinery, equipment and supplies of investment projects rose. Of which, revenue from raw materials for animal feed production increased by 39.49% (or VND63 billion); revenue from machinery, equipment and materials of investment projects increased by 43.02% (or VND42 billion).

Along with closely following developments in industries with main budget contribution, accompanying activities to support businesses have been organized by Quang Ninh Customs Department in many flexible and creative ways from department to branch level, contributing to attracting and retaining businesses carrying out procedures through the area.

Typically, in March 2024, Hon Gai Port Border Gate Customs Branch organized a conference to meet and express gratitude to businesses with export and import activities through the area, with the participation of representatives of nearly 60 businesses, including businesses in industrial parks, outside industrial parks, businesses with large revenues, especially representatives of six large projects that have recently been granted with investment certificates and are going to be implemented.

Also in March, Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch organized a consultation conference with outsourcing, export production, export processing enterprises and FDI enterprises with import and export activities in the area, with the topic ” Guide and disseminate procedures related to export processing enterprises, export manufacturing and processing activities, settlement reports, and reprocessing activities. The conference received information, opinions, difficulties in import-export activities of enterprises, and problems in goods delivery procedures to promptly resolve according to authority and report to the competent authority to resolve problems beyond the branch’s authority.

Previously, in February 2024, Cam Pha Port Border Gate Customs Branch established a working group to visit the headquarters of three businesses with import-export activities through the area to support businesses.

Practically accompanying businesses, Quang Ninh Customs Department also maintains the activities of support teams, provides information on customs mechanisms, policies, and procedures for businesses at two levels (department level, branch level). In particular, priority should be given to supporting new businesses and new investors in the area to regularly grasp, receive and completely resolve their problems and difficulties and support them.

Thanks to active support and accompanying with businesses of Quang Ninh Customs in the first quarter of 2024, the unit attracted 828 businesses to participate in customs procedures through the area (including 273 businesses in the province, 555 businesses outside the province); processed 28,547 declarations, with a total turnover of US$3.7 billion, an increase of 48% in declarations and 40% in turnover year-on-year.

Many solutions to raise revenue

With the determination to strive to complete and exceed budget revenue targets, Quang Ninh Customs Department has been focusing on drastically and synchronously implementing solutions to manage and raise revenue.

Specifically, the unit has focused on promoting administrative reform towards transparency, convenience, and reducing customs clearance time and costs for businesses to improve competitiveness and encourage businesses to invest in production and attract them to do customs procedures, contributing to increasing state budget revenue; proactively contacted and met businesses (in person, via phone, email, etc.) to grasp information about their import-export activities and support and accompany them to resolve problems or report to competent authorities to remove difficulties to facilitate import and export activities. Along with that, through the results of assessment of customer satisfaction with service quality, the unit has conducted a review of operational stages to continue reducing customs clearance time, improving competitiveness, and creating maximum convenience for import and export activities.

Along with creating favorable conditions to attract businesses and promote import and export through the area, Quang Ninh Customs Department has also drastically offered solutions to prevent revenue loss. In particular, the unit has focused on urging, collecting and handling debt in 2024; strengthened anti-fraud through codes, tax rates, and values; promoted the application of risk management; improved the quality of post-customs clearance audit and fight against smuggling and illegal transportation of goods across borders… towards building a safe, transparent and favorable import-export environment for businesses.


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