Ministry of Finance conducts general verification of public assets


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Decision No. 798/QD-BTC clearly stated that ministries, central agencies and localities will establish a Steering Committee to direct and urge agencies, organizations, units, businesses and others within the scope of management in carrying out verification of public assets; developing and promulgating plans for ministries, central agencies and localities; urging and guiding agencies, organizations, units, businesses and other subjects under their management to ensure implementation on schedule.

At the same time, inspecting and supervising the implementation of specific contents, responsibilities of agencies and units, deadlines for completion and promptly handling problems and difficulties in implementing Decision No. 213/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister; reporting on verification results and directing the handling of related contents that arise during the process.

Regarding specific tasks and solutions, the Ministry of Finance will conduct a survey, determine indicators, and develop draft documents guiding verification indicators, forms, and ways to synthesize audit results. The completion time is April 2024.

The Ministry of Finance conducts a pilot verification based on the identified inventory criteria and draft guiding documents (expected to be tested in 3 localities and 2 ministries). Implementation time is April-May 2024; Issue documents guiding inventory norms, forms, and methods of synthesizing results to implement in June 2024…

For ministries managing sectors and fields, the Ministry of Transport coordinates with the Ministry of Finance to develop and promulgate inventory targets and guide ministries, central agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees to conduct assets verification for transport infrastructure assets (railway, road, aviation, inland waterway, maritime). The completion time is August 2024.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinates with the Ministry of Finance to develop and issue inventory targets and guide ministries, central agencies, and provincial People’s Committees to verify infrastructure assets for infrastructure assets for rural clean water supply; irrigation infrastructure assets; Infrastructure assets to respond to climate change are dikes; infrastructure assets of the fishing port. The completion time is August 2024.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade coordinates with the Ministry of Finance to develop and issue inventory targets and guide ministries, central agencies, and provincial People’s Committees to verify infrastructure assets for commercial infrastructure assets that are a market and industrial cluster. The completion date is August 2024.

The Ministry of Finance requested ministries and local branches to base on the content of Decision No. 213/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister and this plan to issue implementation plans to ensure on-schedule and content requirements as proposed; responsible to the Prime Minister for implementing Decision No. 213/QD-TTg and this plan.


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