Lang Son Prevent poultry and poultry products from being illegally transported across the border


It is estimated that smuggled poultry breeds are on the rise

Steering Committee 389 of Lang Son province said that, as a rule, after the Lunar New Year, domestic poultry farmers will restock their flocks, and the demand for breeds will increase. Therefore, from March to May, subjects will increase illegal trading and transportation of poultry breeds, especially from the border area of Loc Binh district to the inland to consume.

According to the anti-smuggling force in Loc Binh district, through reconnaissance work and understanding the situation, a number of subjects have appeared in the area with signs of contact to hire people in border communes to illegally carrying and transporting poultry breeds across the border. From the end of March until now, the subjects have stepped up the illegal transport of poultry breeds into the inland.

Chi Ma Customs officers coordinated with Border Guard forces to patrol at Milestone 1231 area of Chi Ma border gate. Photo: H.Nu
Chi Ma Customs officers coordinated with Border Guard forces to patrol at Milestone 1231 area of Chi Ma border gate. Photo: H.Nu

In addition, Lang Son Customs Department assessed that although the Chinese side still maintains border management with solid fences and arranges guards along the border, however, the situation of smuggling and illegal transportation of cross-border goods still pose potential risks.

In particular, starting from January 2024 in the Chi Ma border gate area, smuggling and illegal transportation of items such as frozen food, poultry, poultry products and poultry breeds tends to increase in complexity. Violators include many elements, the leaders often do not appear, and the trading transactions are mainly over the phone and through intermediaries. Goods are often gathered across the border and hired by people living in villages near the border (in Yen Khoai commune, Tu Mich commune, Loc Binh district) to transport individually in the compact form which attaches physical responsibility to the carrier.

Notably, the subjects often take advantage of the early morning and evening hours, taking advantage of cross-border trails to hire people living in villages near the border to illegally transport frozen products across the border such as pig feet and frozen sausages then transfer to cars for domestic consumption.

Statistics show that from the beginning of the year until now, the Chi Ma Border Gate Customs Sub-department has presided over and coordinated with the competent forces to arrest 6 violations related to the illegal transportation of frozen products across the border; Evidence seized included 630 kg of frozen sausages and 720 kg of frozen pig feet; The value of the exhibits is nearly 85 million VND.

Typically, on March 1, Chi Ma Border Gate Customs Sub-department coordinated with the Chi Ma Border Gate Border Guard Station to patrol at area markers 1227 and 1224 in Yen Khoai commune and discovered a number of subjects illegally transporting goods. When they discovered that the authorities were pursuing them, the subjects left behind the evidence and fled towards China. At the scene, authorities confiscated 200 kg of frozen sausages.

Previously, on February 22, Chi Ma Border Gate Customs Sub-department coordinated with Chi Ma Border Guard Station to patrol at landmark 1227/2 and confiscated 520 kg of frozen pig feet.

Proactively prevent

In order to prevent the management area from becoming a hot spot for smuggling activities and illegal transportation of goods across the border, Mr. Nguyen Bao Ngoc, Director of the Chi Ma Border Gate Customs Sub-department, said that the unit continues to proactively implement customs control measures, effectively combat smuggling activities, trade fraud, counterfeit goods and illegal transportation of goods through management areas.

In addition, strengthen coordination and information exchange with local authorities and functional forces in the area to understand the situation of smuggling activities, new methods and tricks of smugglers.

Chi Ma Border Guard and Customs have also proactively coordinated to strengthen closed patrols on the border, strengthening blocking in trail areas and shortcuts to prevent illegal transport of poultry. At this time, the Border Guard force coordinated with the Customs force and border commune authorities to set up 12 checkpoints in areas with high risk of poultry breeding smuggling.

According to the report of Steering Committee 389 of Loc Binh district, in the first 2 months of 2024, anti-smuggling authorities in the district checked and handled 24 cases of smuggling, commercial fraud, and counterfeit goods. The total amount of money for handling administrative violations is nearly 92 million VND.


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