Lang Son Customs focuses on online supervision


VCN – To improve discipline in performing public services and prevent and handle customs offences, Lang Son Customs has focused on online supervision.

Lang Son Customs focuses on online supervision

Offices of Huu Nghi Customs Branch inspect goods under tip-offs sent from the Online supervision system. Photo: H.N

Results from online supervision

According to the Director of Lang Son Customs Department, Nguyen Hong Linh, online supervision is a critical task to prevent and handle timely fashion violations by organizations and individuals, warning those who intend to commit commercial fraud, and improving the customs law compliance of enterprises. Therefore, Lang Son Customs Department has implemented this task effectively and comprehensively.

In 2022, Lang Son Customs Department processed 337 messages from the online supervision system. The department inspected 312 messages and is processing 25 new messages due to waiting for the analysis and classification results. The department actively set up 298 out of 337 messages.

The results showed that the department detected 190 violations. As a result, the rate of detected violations reached 60.89%, up 18.1% year-on-year, fined over VND 1 billion, collected arrears of over VND3.34 billion and applied other additional sanctions.

The fines collected by the department accounted for 42% of the fines at 35 provincial and municipal customs departments, and the arrears accounted for 78% of those at 35 local customs departments.

Offices of Huu Nghi Customs Branch inspect goods under tip-offs sent from the Online supervision system. Photo: H.N

To date, the department has set up 47 tip-offs, including 29 processed tip-offs and 8 pending tip-offs; discovered 17 violations, collected VND223.2 million of arrears and fined VND51.3 million.

To achieve these results, Direct Nguyen Hong Linh said that the department has directed and instructed all units on anti-smuggling and trade fraud and solutions for revenue collection, especially directions related to online supervision to prevent revenue loss.

Comprehensively implement

According to the director, the department has drastically implemented many solutions. At the department level, the department has established online supervision working teams led by leaders of the department, operational divisions and office. At the branch level, the working teams in charge of processing information sent from online supervision system are also set up and performed by leaders of the branch and the Exit and Entry Cargo Customs Procedures Team and Supervision Team.

In addition, Lang Son Customs has developed plans for supervision, collected and analyzed information from the customs information system, the list of items at risk of value, classification, and code application; the warnings of the Customs about smuggling and trade fraud; the actual status in the area; information on import and export activities of enterprises and other sources.

The supervision working teams of the department and branches have regularly coordinated with the working team of the General Department of Vietnam Customs, the Customs Enforcement Team, and other competent agencies at the border gates, warehouse operators to receive tip-offs, propose the handling plans and give feedback on the system to properly and sufficiently collect revenue for the state budget, ensure effectiveness and efficiency of customs law enforcement, said by Linh.

Shortly, in addition to the implementation of customs control measures and strict supervision for imports and exports, Lang Son Customs Department will increase the use of container scanners and equipment to promptly detect tricks to hide and transport banned goods, counterfeit goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights, trade fraud in import-export activities.

The department will deploy plans for specialized inspection and internal inspection, and public service inspection; review and check records, processes and procedures, and promptly rectify errors.

By Nu Bui/Ngoc Loan


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