Customs sector provides 162 wholly online public services


VCN – To promote the application of information technology, including providing online public services, is one of the remarkable results of the General Department of Vietnam Customs in the first quarter of 2023.

Customs sector provides 162 wholly online public services
Electronic customs procedures are an outstanding application of the Customs sector information technology. Photo: T.Binh.

Currently, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has provided 162 wholly online public services (accounting for 72%of the entire administrative procedures processed by the Customs) and 62 partially online public services. Among 62 partially online public services, there are four new administrative procedures, and 28 procedures are amended and supplemented under Decision No. 2065/QD-BTC dated October 6, 2022, of the Ministry of Finance.

According to Clause 1, Article 11 of Decree 42/2022/ND-CP, the wholly online public service ensures that all information about administrative procedures is provided and administrative procedures are processed and handled online. Results are returned online or via the public postal service.

Partially online public service, which is an online public service failing to satisfy the conditions specified for the wholly online public service. Regulatory bodies will apply information technology and digital technology to the maximum in providing and processing online public services, except for cases where service users are required to be present at a regulatory body or the regulatory body has to conduct on-site verification following regulations of law.

In the first quarter, the General Department of Vietnam Customs coordinated with other units to develop and submit to the Ministry of Finance for approval of the project to build an IT system for the implementation of digital customs to meet operational requirements in customs clearance to be able to expand and integrate with current information technology systems and future information technology systems based on the application of latest technological innovations of the 4.0 industrial revolution, in line with international standards and the requirements of smart administration.

By Thai Binh/Ngoc Loan


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