Customs proactively launch multilateral and bilateral cooperation programs


VCN – To promote international cooperation and integration activities in the customs field, from the beginning of the year until now, Vietnam Customs has actively and effectively implemented multilateral and bilateral cooperation programs.

According to the International Cooperation Department (General Department of Vietnam Customs), right in the first months of the year, Vietnam Customs immediately started to research and evaluate the implementation of customs-related commitments in the Free Trade Agreements that Vietnam has signed or participated in; documents on assessment of the implementation of the Agreements/Agreements on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs field which have been signed with partners.

In addition, for the multilateral cooperation programs and implemented projects, Vietnam Customs has also coordinated following the set plan. In particular, they focused on the performance of member obligations in multilateral institutions such as ASEAN, WCO, and APEC to ensure Vietnam’s interests.

Customs proactively launch multilateral and bilateral cooperation programs
Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Holand, Belgium signed Memorandum of Agreement.

Notably, Vietnam Customs has closely followed the situation in the border area to control and direct the operation on the situation of import-export, transit of goods and vehicles transporting through the pairs of border gates of Vietnam – Cambodia and Vietnam – China, Vietnam – Laos.

In bilateral cooperation activities, to implement cooperation programs with other countries, Vietnam Customs has implemented many key plans and works. It includes actively consulting ministries and sectors for suggestions on the draft Report to the Government on approving the Protocol to amend the Customs Cooperation Agreement with Korean Customs; sending a list of cooperation demands of Vietnam Customs to Japanese Customs; agreeing with German Customs on the content of the Declaration of Intent to cooperate between the two Customs authorities and are continuing to discuss on the signing level of German Customs; agreed on cooperation framework and cooperation activities with French Customs for 2023; developed a cooperation plan in 2023 between the two Customs authorities and reviewed the draft Cooperation Agreement with the Netherlands.

In addition, Vietnam Customs actively connected with Turkish Customs and Israeli Customs to establish official cooperation, exchange experience in customs management, and exchange high-level delegations.

In multilateral cooperation activities, Vietnam Customs has actively participated in the 32nd Customs Capacity Building Working Group (CCBWG), the 33rd Customs Enforcement and Compliance Working Group (CECWG), the 9th Negotiating Group on the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Authorized Economic Operator, the 30th meeting of the ASEAN Single Window Steering Committee… within the framework of cooperation with ASEAN.

Notably, Vietnam Customs attended the 131st Kyoto Convention Management Committee’s meeting; attended the 19th online conference on Customs Control Information of the World Customs Organization (WCO); developed and planned the overall organization of the WCO Technology Conference and Exhibition in Vietnam, which will take place in October 2023; participating in the first meeting of the Customs Procedures Sub-Committee (SCCP1).

By Nụ Bùi/Thanh Thuy


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