Ta Lung Customs revenue flourishes


Imported cars are the largest source of revenue for Ta Lung Border Gate Customs Branch. Photo: T.Binh
Imported cars are the largest source of revenue for Ta Lung Border Gate Customs Branch. Photo: T.Binh

Contributing nearly 90% of the Department’s revenue

Talking to reporters, Deputy Director of Cao Bang Customs Department Nguyen The Bang said: Import and export activities through border gates in the management unit’s area in the first quarter of 2024 mainly take place at Ta Lung border gate, Tra Linh, Soc Giang and Bac Kan Customs Branches. Among them, import-export activities through Ta Lung Border Gate Customs Branch had the most improvement, especially the results of budget collection.

Sharing more specifically, the leader of Ta Lung Border Gate Customs Branch said that in 2024, the Branch was assigned a budget revenue target of VND445 billion by the Ministry of Finance, accounting for over 74% of the entire Department’s revenue target.

Determining budget collection as the top key task, so from the first day and first month of 2024, the Department’s leader have directed officials of the entire unit to drastically and synchronously deploy solutions to complete this important political task.

In particular, the Branch has always closely followed the direction of leaders at all levels on goals, tasks, and budget collection solutions, especially Directive 371/CT-TCHQ of the General Department of Customs on drastic and synchronous implementation of solutions to facilitate trade, improve state management effectiveness, and prevent revenue loss in implementing the state budget collection task in 2024; Plan 211/KH-HQCB of Cao Bang Customs Department on implementing Directive 371 of the General Department of Customs.

Based on the reality of the management area, the Branch always focuses on promoting administrative procedure reform, customs modernization, and enhancing the application of information technology to support the business community.

Regarding information technology application, management and use of equipped machines, the unit regularly exploits and effectively uses IT application programs and software; uses and manages machinery and equipment in accordance with regulations; run the system effectively to ensure security and network safety.

Regarding administrative procedure reform and customs modernization, the Branch maintains good implementation of the plan contents on administrative procedure reform; publicizes administrative procedures and policies related to people and businesses at customs checkpoints, receive and process documents on online public services promptly and effectively. Notably, 100% of administrative procedures at the branch are processed through online public services. Along with that, the branch always focuses on supporting and providing information to customs declarants and taxpayers, promptly answering questions about import and export procedures…

Thanks to the synchronous and drastic implementation of solutions, updated as of April 15, 2024, the revenue of Ta Lung Border Gate Customs Branch rose 16% year-on-year to reached more than 264 billion VND, accounting of 59% of the yearly target assigned by the Ministry of Finance and 57% of the target assigned by Cao Bang Provincial People’s Committee.

Notably, the Branch’s revenue alone contributed to 88% of the total revenue of the entire Cao Bang Customs Department at the same time (the entire Department collected nearly VND 300 billion).

Exports flourishes

Regarding the general work situation in the management area, the leader of Ta Lung Border Gate Customs Branch said: in the first quarter of 2024, the unit’s work aspects were deployed in accordance with the planned program and the guiding documents and directions of leaders at all levels.

In particular, the Branch has performed well the customs management in the area; taken many measures to effectively carry out budget collection tasks as mentioned above.

During the quarter, import and export activities of goods through Ta Lung border gate took place smoothly. Main imported goods are: cars, agricultural machinery, coke, groceries; and exported goods are: aluminum, cashew nuts, sliced cassava, sweet potatoes, peeled boards…

Updated from the beginning of the year to April 15, the total import-export turnover processed at the Department reached US$133.3 million, of which, the export turnover alone reached US$77.35 million, up 794% year-on-year.

Along with trade facilitation work, the branch always strengthens the fight against smuggling and trade fraud.

The Department’s leader said: the unit’s management area has a long border, mainly located on the river, river traffic is dangerous, the river banks on both sides of the border are dense, obscuring visibility, and there are many trails, shortcuts on land and trails down rivers across the border between Vietnam and China, causing difficulties in the fight against smuggling and illegal transportation of goods across the border.

In addition, in some areas located in residential areas, when pursuing and arresting smugglers and illegal transporters of goods, they take advantage of residents’ houses to hide and disperse evidence of violations, cause affecting the work of combating smuggling and illegal transportation of goods across the border at the branch.

From the above assessments, the Branch has regularly strengthened professional measures, coordinated with other authorities to collect information, and strictly control inside and outside the border gates, especially deserted areas with trails and shortcuts to the border.

Outside the area of customs operations, the branch has proactively collected information and coordinated with other authorities to carry out the fight against smuggling.

With the proactive struggle, from the beginning of the year, in the area under the management of the Department, there have been no hot spots, outstanding or complicated cases, or violations related to smuggling and illegal transportation of goods crossing the border.

Regarding the fight against drug crimes, the Branch coordinates with management agencies to regularly strengthen the fight and suppression of drug-related crimes in border areas as well as high-risk areas.


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