State revenue collection reached 31 7 of current appropriation in the first quarter


Accordingly, total state budget revenue in March 2024 is estimated to reach VND141.8 trillion. Accumulated total state revenue in the first quarter reached VND539.5 trillion, equal to 31.7% of current appropriation and rising 9.8% over the same period last year.

Domestic revenue in March 2024 is estimated to reach VND114.6 trillion. Accumulated first quarter achieved VND467.5 trillion, equal to 32.4% of current appropriation and increasing 13.5% over the same period last year. Revenue from crude oil in March 2024 is estimated to reach VND6 trillion. Accumulated first quarter achieved VND15.8 trillion, equal to 34.4% of current appropriation and growing 2.1% over the same period last year.

Balance revenue from export and import activities in March 2024 is estimated to reach VND21.2 trillion. The accumulated first quarter reached VND56.2 trillion, equal to 27.5% of the current appropriation and reducing 12.5% over the same period last year.

Regarding state budget expenditure, total state budget expenditure in March 2024 is estimated to reach VND140.3 trillion; estimated to reach VND393.5 trillion in the first quarter, equal to 18.6% of the current appropriation and increasing 8.3% over the same period last year. In particular, regular expenditure reached VND271 trillion, equal to 21.5% of the current appropriation and rising by 3.4% over the same period last year; development investment expenditure achieved VND89.9 trillion, equivalent to 13.3% and grew by 22.8%; debt and interest payments was VND32.5 trillion, equal to 29.1% and increased by 16.6%.

Economic recovery has created conditions for state budget revenue to grow quite well in the first quarter. Illustration photo
Economic recovery has created conditions for state budget revenue to grow quite well in the first quarter. Illustration photo

Notably, social investment capital in the first quarter at current prices increased by 5.2% over the same period last year. It reflected the domestic production and business situation tending to recover in many industries and fields. This increase will create momentum for continued breakthroughs in the following quarters, supporting economic growth in 2024 in a context where the economy still faces many difficulties and challenges.

Specifically, social investment capital in the first quarter at current prices is estimated at VND 613.9 trillion, increasing 5.2% over the same period last year, including capital of state sector estimated at VND162.7 trillion, accounting for 26.5% of total investment capital and increasing 4.9% over the same period last year; non-state sector reached VND340.7 trillion, accounting for 55.5%, an increase of 4.2%; foreign direct investment sector reached VND110.5 trillion, accounting for 18% and rising by 8.9%.

In the investment capital of the State sector, state budget capital in the first quarter is estimated at VND97.7 trillion, equal to 13.9% of the year’s plan and climbing 3.7% over the same period last year.

According to the management level, central capital reached VND15.7 trillion, equal to 14.2% of the year’s plan and declining 8.1% over the same period last year; local capital reached VND82 trillion, equivalent to 13.8% and increased by 6.4%. Among local management capital, provincial state budget capital reached VND54.8 trillion, equal to 13% and increased 5.8%; state budget capital at the district level reached VND23.6 trillion, equal to 15.6% and growing by 8%; State budget capital at the commune level reached VND3.6 trillion, equal to 17.2% and increased by 5%.


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