Quang Binh Customs Department seizes over 25 000 drug pills

Tighten smuggling through Moc Bai international border gate

Tighten smuggling through Moc Bai international border gate

VCN – From the beginning of 2024, in parallel with facilitating import and export activities of goods, vehicles and passengers entering and exiting through Moc Bai international border gate (Tay Ninh), the functional forces here have implemented many solutions to fight against smuggling, trade fraud, drugs, and illegal transportation of goods and currency across the border.

Identify smuggling tricks across Quang Tri area

Identify smuggling tricks across Quang Tri area

VCN – Although the smuggling and illegal transportation of goods across Quang Tri Border in the customs control area decrease in the number of cases and the value of goods, this situation still takes place complicatedly and shows potential risks and challenges.

The Ministry of Finance urges the implementation of anti-smuggling tasks

The Ministry of Finance urges the implementation of anti-smuggling tasks

VCN – Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance has just requested the General Department of Vietnam Customs, General Department of Taxation, and units under the Ministry of Finance (Office, Legal Department, Inspection) to seriously and effectively implement the conclusions of Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, Head of Steering Committee 138/CP and National Steering Committee 389 (in Notice No. 38/TB-VPCP dated February 2, 2024 of the Government Office).

Ho Chi Minh City Customs: Effectively monitor goods in transit with e-seals

Ho Chi Minh City Customs: Effectively monitor goods in transit with e-seals

VCN – Thanks to the application of modern management and supervision measures with electronic seals, inspection by scanners for goods in transit, goods temporarily imported for re-export, Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department has effectively controlled the situation of violations of Customs laws of this type.

Cotrol smuggling of gold and foreign currency across border gates

Cotrol smuggling of gold and foreign currency across border gates

VCN- From the beggining of the year, gold and foreign currency prices have fluctuated strongly due to the smuggling and tax evasion cases across the border with sophisicated tricks, causing serious impacts on the gold and foreign currency markets.

Lang Son: Prevent poultry and poultry products from being illegally transported across the border

Lang Son: Prevent poultry and poultry products from being illegally transported across the border

VCN – According to the assessment, the Chi Ma border gate area always has a potential risk of outbreaks of violations related to smuggling and illegal transportation of goods across the border due to the large and complex area. For good control, Lang Son province’s leaders requested forces to strengthen blocking, deploy control measures, and promptly handle emerging security and order issues in border areas and border gates.

Applying customs intelligence and IT to prevent abusing of the "green channel" for smuggling

Applying customs intelligence and IT to prevent abusing of the “green channel” for smuggling

VCN – At the questioning session of National Assembly deputies on March 18, 2024, the Minister of Finance said that the Customs sector has applied science and technology in goods classification, used camera systems, Customs intelligence, data analysis to minimize the situation of businesses taking advantage of green channels to commit violations.

Tuan Nam UNITED One Member Company Limited enforced to stop customs procedures for one year

Tuan Nam UNITED One Member Company Limited enforced to stop customs procedures for one year

VCN – Huu Nghi Border Gate Customs Branch (Lang Son Customs Department) has issued an enforcement decision stopping customs procedures for imports and exports of Tuan Nam UNITED One Member Company Limited for tax debt, late payment interest and fines.

What solution is there to prevent "ghost businesses" from tax evasion?

What solution is there to prevent “ghost businesses” from tax evasion?

VCN – LTS: After the Customs Magazine published a series of articles “Finding the delayed tax debts of enforced enterprises” on issues 19, 20, 21, the Editorial Office received a lot of angry feedback from readers that reflected the situation of some individuals misusing personal information to establish illegal businesses and evade state taxes. Customs Magazine continues to reflect this pressing issue to readers.


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