Lang Son removes difficulties for auto importers


In 2023, the Chinese side did not conduct quota management for new cars, all new cars exported to Vietnam were transported on the specialized import-export route and went through procedures in order (first in first out).

According to the assessment of the functional forces at Huu Nghi international border gate, the above situation has affected customs clearance capacity, because some days there are many exports, some days there are few or no export shipments.

To facilitate importation of new cars through Huu Nghi border gate, from the beginning of 2024, Lang Son province and competent authorities have actively advised and exchanged information an talked with China to come up with solutions to resolve the above situation.

Representatives of the Management Board of Dong Dang - Lang Son border gate economic zone and the Management Board of Pingxiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone of Guangxi, China discussed the situation of import and export activities at Huu Nghi international border gate on February 19, 2024.
Representatives of the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone and the Management Board of Pingxiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone of Guangxi, China discussed the situation of import and export activities at Huu Nghi international border gate on February 19, 2024.

Accordingly, the leader of Lang Son Provincial People’s Committee sent an Official Letter to Vice Chairwoman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Hui Guo Hua, China.

At the same time, on March 14, 2024, the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone also sent a Letter No. 15-2024 to the Management Board of Pingxiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone of Guangxi, China, asking for coordination to direct authorities at the Huu Nghi – Youyi Guan international border gate accelerate customs clearance for new Chinese car exports and expand clearance time.

Immediately after that, the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone, Lang Son Customs Department and related agencies held exchanges and talks with relevant agencies on the Chinese side.

Through exchanges, the Chinese government acknowledged and actively cooperated to solve the proposal of Lang Son province.

However, according to some Vietnamese businesses, the implementation of export procedures for new car products in China still faces difficulties and obstacles, so the number of new cars passing through Huu Nghi – Youyi Guan border gate only reaches about 40-50 units per day on average, failing to meet the trade needs of businesses of the two countries.

Enterprises said that Vietnamese enterprises are still passive and encounter many difficulties at the export stage from China. Specifically, when new car product going through export procedures at China is restricted in number, each shipment must be registered with the People’s Government of Pingxiang and approved before export procedures. The Pingxiang People’s Government also do not announce the approval plan in advance. Therefore, the importers and exporters of this product are completely passive, must wait and do not know when the shipment will be approved and whether it will be approved or not.

Huu Nghi Border Gate Customs Branch (Lang Son Customs Department) arranges officers to receive procedures for businesses until 11 p.m. Photo: H.Nu
Huu Nghi Border Gate Customs Branch (Lang Son Customs Department) arranges officers to receive procedures for businesses until 11 p.m. Photo: H.Nu

The above disadvantages lead to businesses on both sides facing many difficulties in determining the time to open import declarations, pay tax and arrange trucks and drivers… In particular, the limit on the number of exported cars in a day leads to lack of cars of batches to complete procedures to release goods on the same day, raising storage costs, overnight parking costs, and customs clearance time.

Acknowledging the feedback of businesses, on March 12, 2024, Lang Son Customs Department sent a report to the People’s Committee of Lang Son province on the difficulties and problems and sent a written proposal for guidance to the General Department of Customs about sending letters to exchange with Nanning Customs (China) to resolve the above difficulties.

Sharing with businesses’ difficulties, on March 21, 2024, the General Department of Customs sent an official dispatch to Lang Son Customs Department. Accordingly, the General Department of Customs emphasized that discussing and requesting with Nanning Customs (China) to facilitate auto import activities through the Huu Nghi – Youyi Guan border gate is necessary to resolve difficulties for businesses and suitable with the functions and tasks of a Customs agency. Thus, the General Department of Customs requires Lang Son Customs Department to quickly send a letter to discuss with Nanning Customs about developing positive solutions.

Thus, based on efforts to advise on solutions, persistently exchange and hold talks with Chinese authorities, to remove difficulties for businesses in importing new cars through Huu Nghi international border gate by relevant agencies and units, the number of new cars imported through Huu Nghi international border gate in the first three months of 2024 saw a clear increasing trend.

Customs Magazine reporters continue to closely follow and report the situation and results.


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