Noi Bai Customs Branch gathers information to prevent gold smuggling


Noi Bai Customs Branch gathers information to prevent gold smuggling
Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch strengthens inspection and supervision to prevent gold smuggling via air. Photo: N.L

Talking to Customs News’ reporter, the leader of Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch said that based on the direction of leaders at all levels and actual development in the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and illegal transportation of goods across Noi Bai International Airport, the branch has developed a plan to perform customs control from the beginning of the year.

Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch has focused on information collection and analysis about targeting subjects, goods and flights to access identify risks. The branch has strengthened coordination in providing information, inspecting and investigating with relevant units in the fight against smuggling and illegal transportation of goods across borders.

To prevent and combat gold smuggling by air, in addition to inspect, control and gather information, leaders of Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch said that, the branch has promoted the use of modern technical equipment such as scanners, smart cameras, metal detectors… to promptly detect signs of risk.

The branch has also disseminated the law for people to prevent the support to smugglers.

In 2023, the branch discovered and handled many illegal transportation cases of gold and currency by air.

Notably, the branch busted foreign passengers illegally transporting 86,300,000 won (equivalent to VND1.5 billion) across the border in early 2023.

In April 2023, the branch prosecuted three cases of illegal transportation of gold at Noi Bai International Airport with the infringing goods valued at VND 3.3 billion.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh signed Official Dispatch No. 22/CD-TTg dated March 20, 2024 requesting to strengthen management measures for gold market.

The Prime Minister requested the State Bank to coordinate with relevant agencies to immediately conduct inspection and examination of the gold market, operation of gold trading enterprises, stores, agents distributing, buying and selling gold bars and other entities participating in the market to promptly detect loopholes obstacles for handling.

The Prime Minister asked the State Bank to strictly handle violations in accordance with the law, especially acts of cross-border gold smuggling, profiteering, speculation, manipulation, and taking advantage of policies to increase the price by organizations and individuals, causing the instability of the gold market. If detecting violations in gold trading activities, the regulator must transfer documents for competent agencies to handle strictly and transparently, and report to the Prime Minister the results in March 2024.


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