Looking forward clear instructions in tax finalization in 2023


Looking forward clear instructions in tax finalization in 2023

How do you evaluate the role of supporting taxpayers, creating conditions to support tax finalization for the business community and taxpayers this year?

– We highly appreciate the initiative and creativity of the Tax sector in communication and support for taxpayers in tax finalization in 2023, especially online programs supporting tax finalization the tax sector is offering. In addition to providing notes in tax finalization in 2023 on the mass media, the General Department of Taxation and local tax departments have organized direct meetings where businesses, taxpayers and State agencies could discuss issues related to compliance with policies and solutions to best perform tax work, helping State management agencies, businesses and taxpayers complete their tasks.

– In particular, the online support activities that the Tax sector has been implementing regularly show that the Tax agency has been active and proactive as well as taking full advantage of scientific and technological advances – the shortest way to interact with taxpayers, thereby promptly removing possible problems in the process of implementing tax laws in general and tax finalization in particular. The business community highly appreciates the proactiveness of the Tax sector, the interaction between the Tax agency and taxpayers as well as the diligence and dedication of tax officers in sharing information, supporting businesses and taxpayers in performing tax finalization in 2023.

As a representative agency of the business community, as for you, what are the most common contents businesses encounter in tax finalization?

– Businesses often encounter difficulties in calculating taxes, items related to taxes and calculation method, the inconsistent understanding of managers and managed entities. Therefore, the programs to support businesses in tax finalization are very meaningful so that taxpayers and tax managers have a common understanding, correct understanding, and right implementation? A number of difficulties that businesses and taxpayers reported and were answered by the Tax sector such as: loan interest costs when they are included in the expenses when calculating corporate income tax; are vacation payment costs and overtime costs in excess of the provisions of the Labor Code included in expenses when finalizing corporate income tax, or personal income tax?

What are your assessment about the current tax policy?

– The current tax policy has been working well. However, there needs to be interaction to remove bottlenecks, for example problems on transmission lines, how to calculate taxes, especially for new industries and businesses lines.

What recommendations do you have for the tax authority to achieve the best results for the 2023 tax finalization period?

– The business community as well as taxpayers hope that the Tax sector will continue to provide clear instructions. We have discussed the Tax sector and tax officers and received appropriate instructions. I believe that, with the determination and efforts of the Tax sector and the taxpayers, we can achieve the goals set out in tax work, including the task of tax finalization in this year and the following years. We recognize and believe in the inquiring of the Tax sector, especially the sympathy, sharing and support for businesses to focus on production and business activities, gain the highest profits, thereby making the highest contribution to the State budget. As for the business community, we are always ready to accompany management agencies, learn new policies to perform as best as possible in fulfilling tax obligations.

The business community is currently facing many difficulties; what policies do you propose to support them?

– As I said above, the business community is facing many difficulties about market as well as difficulties from other objective factors. Businesses, ministries and management agencies, are making efforts to overcome these difficulties, and management agencies should make more efforts in reforming administrative procedures, creating the best business investment environment for the business community and people to confidentially pour capital in production and business, especially in industries such as industry, commerce, and services… These are our country’s strengths. Moreover, Vietnam has a highly open and export-oriented economy, so we create good conditions for people to participate in this process.

– The authorities have been proactively reviewing legal documents, laws to make amendments and supplements if necessary. We have asked the business community must frankly report problems and difficulties in the production and business to business associations, VCCI and competent agencies to have appropriate solutions to meet the production and business development requirements of businesses.

Thank you Sir!


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