Quang Ninh Customs Efforts to promote import and export


Import-export activities through Bac Luan II Bridge, Mong Cai City, Quang Ninh in early March 2024. Photo provided by Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch.
Import-export activities through Bac Luan II Bridge, Mong Cai City, Quang Ninh in early March 2024. Photo provided by Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch.

Import and export flourished on sea and road

Speaking to reporters, Deputy Director of Quang Ninh Customs Department Trinh Van Nhuan said from the beginning of the year, the department requested border gate customs branches to organize meetings at the headquarters of Customs agency and businesses to support, answer and solve difficulties for the business community, thereby promoting import and export activities. In addition, the department also actively coordinates with Quang Ninh Provincial Investment Promotion and Support Board to capture and approach new investors in industrial parks in the province to promptly advise on investment policies, customs procedures for businesses.

“Motivated by solutions to promote import-export and attract investment through the area, in the first month of 2024, import-export activities through seaports and land border gates all increased in terms of amount and value” Mr. Trinh Van Nhuan said.

As a customs unit managing areas with key import-export activities of Quang Ninh Customs Department, from the beginning of 2024, Mong Cai International Border Gate Customs Branch always ensures smooth operation, contributing to the prosperity of import-export activities.

As of February 25, 2024, there were 414 businesses carrying out customs procedures at this branch (including 158 enterprises in the province, 256 enterprises outside the province). The branch processed 10,419 declarations; recorded a trade turnover of US$439.5 million, an increase of 36% in declarations and 40% in turnover year-on-year.

As a customs broker for dozens of customers as import-export businesses across the country, for many years, Do Van Co., Ltd. has regularly had import-export activities through Mong Cai international border gate, Quang Ninh. Appreciating the efforts of Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch to ensure smooth customs clearance through the area, Mr. Luu Van Do, Director of Do Van Co., Ltd. said: Quang Ninh Customs Department in general, Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch in particular always accompany businesses in reforming administrative procedures, creating favorable conditions for import and export activities. The branch often arranges customs officers to work outside of office hours, holidays, and New Year to quickly release import and export goods for businesses.

Not only at land border gates, at seaports, the Customs Branches of Hon Gai port or Cam Pha port (Quang Ninh Customs Department) also regularly offer solutions to attract and retain businesses.

For example, at the Cam Pha Port Border Gate Customs Branch, from the first days of 2024, the branch organized meetings with three businesses with import and export activities including The Vissai Ninh Binh Cement Group; Xuan Thanh Cement JSC; Long Son Co., Ltd. to grasp difficulties, problems and facilitate import and export activities, as well as improve the competitiveness of businesses.

At the meetings, businesses highly appreciated the efforts of the Customs authorities in ensuring fast and effective customs clearance. Documents in customs records are integrated into a single declaration and processed quickly; the online declaration of documents and records on the VNACCS/VCIS help reduce travel time for businesses, without affecting the production and business activities of businesses.

Thanks to the effective implementation of solutions to accompany, support businesses, promoting import and export, as of February 23, 2024, Cam Pha Port Border Gate Customs Branch has completed customs procedures for 48 businesses, with 304 declarations, import-export turnover reaching US$508.6 million (up 58% in number of declarations; up 86% in turnover year-on-year).

Further promoting import and export

To promote import and export, the People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province requests units (Customs, Border Guard, Market Surveillance…) and border localities (Mong Cai, Hai Ha, Binh Lieu) to comply regulations on customs clearance at border gates and border crossings in the province. In particular, the People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province assigns the Quang Ninh Customs Department to preside over specific and timely guidance on commodity policies and customs procedures for import and export goods at border gates and border crossing in the area.

The People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province requires units to strengthen management, proactively grasp and remove difficulties and obstacles for businesses and provide timely information and guidance to individuals and organizations carrying out customs procedures at border gates and border crossings of Quang Ninh province in accordance with current regulations.

In addition, Quang Ninh province also requests the People’s Committees of Mong Cai, Hai Ha, and Binh Lieu localities to strengthen negotiations and talks with Chinese authorities to ensure sustainable foreign affairs and trade between the two sides. At the same time, the localities preside and coordinate with Customs, Border Guards, Police, Quarantine, and Market Surveillance forces to strengthen inspection and control work, and are responsible to the Provincial People’s Committee for security, order, anti-smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in areas under their management.

As a core force in promoting import and export in the area, Quang Ninh Customs has been developing many solutions, including coordinating with other authorities to well implement this task.


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