Customs industry implements Government s Resolution No 01


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Customs industry implements Government’s Resolution No. 01
Officers of Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch (Quang Ninh Customs Department) at work. Photo: Q.H

In order to accomplish the targets in Resolution No.01/NQ-CP, Decision No. 88/QD-BTC, the GDVC requests heads of affiliated and subordinate units to perform tasks and concretize tasks into solutions, projects, working results and be responsible to the Director General for performance results and progress of completing assigned tasks. Accordingly, the GDVC has specifically assigned the units to implement 33 tasks chaired by the Ministry of Finance and 12 tasks coordinated by the Ministry.

For tasks presided over by the Ministry of Finance, the GDVC assigns units to continue to implement effectively expansionary fiscal policies and other policies, contributing to stabilizing the macro economy and supporting economic growth. Closely monitor developments in the economic situation, prices, and inflation in the world and region, strengthen forecast analysis capacity, firmly grasp the situation, and provide timely, appropriate, and effective policies to respond to new arising problems.

The GDVC requires units to remove difficulties for enterprises to expedite customs clearance and improve efficiency of import and export activities at border gates; strengthen quality inspection of imported goods; urgently review, amend and supplement regulations on specialized inspection, ensuring compliance with international practices to shorten customs clearance time for import and export goods.

The GDVC asks units to concretize the Party’s policies and orientations, resolutions, directives, conclusions, and guiding documents of the Central Executive Committee, Politburo, Secretariat, and National Assembly; focus on building and ensuring the progress and quality of law projects under the 2024 Law and Ordinance Development Program.

In addition, the regulator requires units to review and simplify administrative procedures and business regulations under the management of the Ministry of Finance; continue to promote decentralization in processing administrative procedures; resolutely reduce and simplify internal administrative procedures between state administrative agencies and within the Ministry of Finance to improve the efficiency of public service performance, allocate resources, and develop socio-economic development.

Strengthen administrative discipline, and responsibility of heads of agencies and units in improving service quality in processing administrative procedures and providing public services through the effective use of Customer Satisfaction Index.

For tasks coordinated by the Ministry of Finance, units need to strengthen trade promotion; diversify export markets, products, and supply chains; improve and expand the market share of Vietnamese goods in traditional markets; create a breakthrough to expand new potential export markets; prioritize exploiting and making the most of opportunities from key and strategic export markets.

Units need to effectively prevent origin fraud and trade defense to protect the economy, businesses, and the domestic market in accordance with international commitments. Promote negotiations on customs commitments within the framework of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and support businesses to effectively take advantage of commitments in signed FTAs.

Enhance state management of customs; inspect and control to combat smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods with focus and focus, especially essential goods that have great impacts on the socio-economy, domestic production and consumers; fight and strictly handle acts of smuggling, trade fraud, counterfeit goods…

Regarding the tasks chaired by the Ministry of Finance, the GDVC emphasized that the units need to proactively coordinate closely with relevant units and advise the GDVC’s leaders to perform and periodically submit reports on the implementation.

For tasks chaired by other ministries and sectors and coordinated by the Ministry of Finance, the assigned units are responsible for closely coordinating with relevant units to submit to the GDVC to report to the Ministry of Finance; and follow to report the GDVC to submit relevant contents to the Ministry of Finance.


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