The Prime Minister instructed state owned enterprises to exceed assigned business targets


SOEs increasingly demonstrate their leading and dominant role in important industries and fields. Source: Internet.
SOEs increasingly demonstrate their leading and dominant role in important industries and fields. Source: Internet.

The Directive clearly states that SOEs are increasingly demonstrating their leading, dominant and leading role in important and essential industries and fields of the economy; contributing to stabilizing the macro economy, controlling inflation, promoting growth, ensuring major balances of the economy, making practical contributions to construction, socio-economic development and national defense .

In addition to the achieved results, the operations of the SOE sector also reveal some limitations such as: some SOEs have not fully utilized the resources, capital, assets assigned by the State, and disbursed investment capital throughout the year. 2023 has not met the set plan, there are still SOEs operating at a loss; Competitive capacity, application of science and technology, innovation, and digital transformation are still limited; Corporate governance innovation is still slow…

Therefore, the Prime Minister requires SOEs to raise awareness and responsibility in performing assigned tasks of managing state capital and assets at enterprises, especially the responsibilities of the chairman, director and general manager, representative of state capital at the enterprise. Promoting the spirit of self-reliance, self-reliance, enhancing initiative, creativity, daring to think, daring to do, daring to take responsibility, striving with the highest sense of responsibility for the benefit of the nation and people, creating spirit, thinking, new ways of doing things, determination and decisiveness in action.

Urgently and effectively deploy the Enterprise Restructuring Project for the period 2021-2025; the enterprise’s development strategy, annual and 5-year production, business, and investment development plans have been approved, as well as related tasks and directions of the Government and the Prime Minister.

Promote the implementation of large, key national investment projects in important fields according to strategies and plans assigned by competent authorities and the Government and Prime Minister; creating an important premise and driving force for the development of industries, fields and the entire economy. Do a good job of investment preparation and promptly disburse investment capital to speed up the progress of investment projects; research and increase investment in innovation, emerging industries and fields.

Prioritize focusing resources on main business areas, overcoming the situation of scattered, scattered and ineffective investments; improve innovation capacity; innovate the corporate governance model towards modernity in accordance with international practices; Arrange and streamline the apparatus; improve competitiveness in domestic and international markets; creating position and strength as well as the basis for building development orientation and strategic vision for the next period.

Exceeding the assigned production and business plan targets, making the highest contribution to ensuring major balances for the economy, stabilizing the macroeconomy, creating revenue for the state budget, and solving work problem and ensure the lives of workers, implement social security policies.

The Prime Minister requested corporations, state-owned corporations and SOEs to continue promoting the pioneering and leading role of SOEs in the economy, ensuring that SOEs are the pioneering and leading force in the field of innovation, digital transformation and economic recovery.

In particular, SOEs are investing and constructing key infrastructure and transportation projects to speed up progress and ensure quality, efficiency and safety in implementing construction of important national transportation infrastructure projects…

Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN), Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN), Vietnam Coal and Mineral Industry Group (TKV) and affiliated units promptly and effectively deploy the Power Development Plan national power in the period 2021-2030, vision 2050 (Power Plan VIII) according to regulations, ensuring national energy security, providing enough electricity for production, business and consumption of the people. EVN and PVN proactively propose to competent authorities solutions to remove bottlenecks and problems arising in the development of gas thermal power projects to both contribute to accelerating the investment progress of gas power projects and other gas exploitation projects.

The Vietnam Petroleum Group and other state-owned enterprises are the focal enterprises in the petroleum business, increasing the ability to forecast world market price movements, proactively planning to ensure the supply of petroleum for the economy and minimize disadvantages due to fluctuations in world petroleum prices.

SOEs assigned the task of managing and exploiting agricultural infrastructure systems, including irrigation works, continue to perform well the task of irrigation and drainage to cope with drought and saltwater intrusion to support effective and sustainable agricultural development, firmly ensuring national food security and promoting exports.

Companies providing seafood exploitation services continue to play an important role in providing logistics services for offshore fishermen and developing the marine economy.

State-owned commercial banks continue to review and simplify lending and disbursement procedures in accordance with regulations, reduce costs, strive to reduce lending interest rates, and ensure reasonable interest costs to support economic recovery.

The Prime Minister assigned ministries, branches, agencies, People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities and owner representative agencies to promote administrative procedure reform and improve the business and investment environment. , creating convenience for people and businesses; resolutely reduce administrative procedures and business regulations that are unnecessary, inappropriate, and lacking in feasibility. Proactively remove difficulties to speed up customs clearance of goods and improve the efficiency of import and export activities at the border gate area, especially for seasonal agricultural and aquatic products.


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