Preliminary review of 5 years of deploying the project on centralized customs processing and management model in Mong Cai


VCN – On the afternoon of June 1 in Mong Cai City (Quang Ninh), Quang Ninh Customs Department held a conference to review the 5-year implementation of the Project “centralized customs processing and management model at the Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch”.

Conference scene. Photo: T.Binh.
Conference scene. Photo: T.Binh.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Director of Quang Ninh Customs Department Tran Quang Trung said that Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch performs the state management of customs in Mong Cai City. This is a large area in Mong Cai border gate economic zone with a land border extending over 72 km, adjacent to China, including one international border gate; one dry port; many places to gather and inspect imported and exported goods, export and import points, and places for goods inspection; 22 bonded warehouses, and four duty-free shops.

This is a border city with vibrant import-export and immigration activities, but also an area where smuggling and illegal transportation of goods and drugs are complicated.

Faced with that situation, to continue to promote facilitation for import and export activities, improve the efficiency of state management of customs, and implement the plan for reform, development and modernization of the Customs sector in the period 2016-2020, Resolution 19/NQ-CP and Resolution No. 35/ND-CP of the Government on creating a favorable environment for import-export activities of enterprises; implementing the Mong Cai City Development Plan with a vision to 2030, Quang Ninh Customs Department proactively proposed and was approved by the General Department of Customs and the People’s Committee of Quang Ninh Province to assign research, development and implementation of the Project “centralized customs processing and management model at the Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch” associated with the rearrangement of organizational apparatus and staffing at Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch from April 2018.

Business representatives contributed ideas at the Conference. Photo: T.Binh.
Business representatives contributed ideas at the Conference. Photo: T.Binh.

According to Head of Customs Supervision and Administration Department (Quang Ninh Customs Department) Ngo Tung Duong, after more than five years of implementing the Project on the implementation of customs procedures and customs management under a centralized model with high specialization, centralized, in-depth, specialized and unified management of a focal point to increase transparency in the implementation of customs procedures.

As a result, the business community can easily and conveniently access information, legal documents and the guidance and support (including remote support, on-site support) of the Customs in the customs clearance process.

The implementation of customs procedures and the management of data and statistics are carried out in a centralized and unified manner to ensure the synthesis, reporting, statistics and evaluation to serve the requirements of management, direction and administration of the Leaders of the Sub-department and implementation of instructions of superiors are quick and accurate.

Meanwhile, the inspection and supervision of goods is specialized by two Customs Supervision and Inspection Teams. With the support of the information technology system, inspection and supervision equipment, the daily clearance and release time is shortened, especially for green channel declarations, enterprises only have to present goods at border gates, openings, export points for officials and civil servants to inspect and supervise.

Through the implementation of the Project, the management of the type of processing and export production achieved high efficiency, fully and promptly completed the task in the condition that the workload increased but the payroll did not increase.

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At the Conference, the participants contributed many solutions to overcome the outstanding problems and limitations to complete and improve the efficiency of the implementation of the Project.

After 5 years of implementing the Project (2018-2022), Mong Cai Border Gate Customs Branch ensures smooth clearance of goods with a turnover of up to USD 18.52 billion.

In particular, the budget revenue continuously increased, the next year was higher than the previous year and reached VND 1,645 billion in 2022, an increase of more than 117% compared to 2018 (it reached VND 757.4 billion in 2018).

By Thai Binh-Quang Hung/ Huyen Trang


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