Lang Son Customs affirms its role in developing the province s border gate economy


Operations at Huu Nghi international border gate
Operations at Huu Nghi international border gate. Photo: Vinanet

Leading in IT reform and application

Lang Son province is striving to become a center, focal point for import-export, trade, services, tourism and economy, a driving force on the economic corridor of Lang Son – Hanoi – Hai Phong – Quang Ninh in the period of comprehensive integration. Resolution of the 17th Lang Son Provincial Party Congress has defined the key objectives, in the period from 2020 to 2025 focusing on developing the border gate economy. Lang Son has built synchronous solutions from planning to infrastructure to achieve this goal.

Besides investing in infrastructure construction, Lang Son province is also actively looking for ways to improve the investment environment to attract business capital. Coordinate with Guangxi (China) to expand the throughput of import and export goods of ASEAN countries in the domestic provinces and the provinces of China, exporting goods through Lang Son province.

Accompanying the common goal of the province, Lang Son Customs has implemented administrative procedure reform, modernized customs through the effective implementation of the VNACCS/VCIS System, associated with implementing the Digital Border Gate Platform; operating online public services at levels 3 and 4.

At the same time, actively implement the National Single Window and the ASEAN Single Window in accordance with the roadmap, thanks to which 100% of enterprises have participated in the implementation of customs procedures using electronic declaration. In addition, Lang Son Customs constantly researches and finds many possible solutions to implement and apply through the IT system in professional work.

Determining that in 2023, the situation of customs clearance of goods through Lang Son area is still facing many difficulties, to accompany enterprises, Lang Son Customs has actively promoted administrative procedure reform, simplified customs procedures, and trade facilitation as one of the critical tasks. In addition to specific criteria related to procedures, documents, modernization, improving the quality of dialogue, and promptly removing difficulties and problems for enterprises, Lang Son Customs also focuses on implementing immediately from the beginning of the year.

To provide maximum support to customs declarants and taxpayers; connect and exchange information with ministries and branches when handling administrative procedures, the unit always ensures and maintains the IT system 24/7 with 100% of customs procedures done by electronic method.

In particular, during the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, Lang Son Customs has put into operation many beneficial software initiatives that not only help the customs clearance of import and export goods take place normally, but also show their efforts in parallel with enterprises of the Customs is increasingly clear.

Affirming that the business community is a reliable partner, accompanying development, Lang Son Customs has proactively and synchronously implemented solutions to meet the goal of increasing the capacity of customs clearance for export goods at border gates, especially Tan Thanh, Huu Nghi, Coc Nam and Chi Ma border gates; regularly coordinated with forces to create maximum favourable conditions for goods import and export activities through border gates to ensure compliance with regulations; promptly guided and answered problems and difficulties for enterprises in the process of carrying out customs procedures.

Lang Son Customs also regularly exchanges with China Customs to understand information and situation related to goods management, timely warning information for Vietnamese enterprises to be proactive and flexible in goods import and export activities helps to minimize cost and time loss when carrying out customs clearance activities at the border gate, especially for agricultural export products.

As of May 16, the whole Department has received and processed procedures for 47,838 sets of declarations with a turnover of US$ 1,435 million, an increase of 102.2% over the same period in 2022. In which, enterprises have registered 23,140 sets of export declarations, valued at US$ 689.7 million, up 322.4% over the same period in 2022. On the import side, enterprises registered 24,698 declarations with a value of US$ 745.1 million, an increase of 36.4 % over the same period in 2022. The unit has collected and paid the state budget 1,744 billion VND, equaling 29.07% of the assigned target, up 1.67% over the same period in 2022.

It can be affirmed that solutions to facilitate the quick clearance of import and export goods not only promote the strong recovery of enterprises but also help export turnover of goods through Lang Son province in the first four months of the year increased by 322.4% compared to the time when China still applied the “Zero Covid” policy.

Implementing administrative procedure reform, and promoting the application of IT in professional activities, Lang Son Customs has contributed to creating favourable conditions for import-export activities and shortening the clearance time for goods and tourists passing through border gates, increasing revenue for the state budget. By modernizing administrative procedures, applying IT in the professional settlement has changed Customs officials’ awareness, consciousness and responsibility in handling administrative procedure reform, creating a high consensus of enterprises and immigration passengers.

Aims towards

To implement the Plan of reform, development and modernization of Lang Son Customs Department to 2025, the unit determined to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of management, to best meet the requirements of development and international integration, facilitate import and export, immigration activities with specific objectives:

Firstly, promoting administrative reform to create favourable conditions for import-export, immigration and transit activities for 100% of enterprises carrying out import-export procedures through the area to ensure proper settlement as regulated.

Secondly, implement many solutions to effectively implement state budget collection according to the criteria of correct and sufficient collection, propose and implement solutions to increase revenue, strengthen the fight against loss of revenue, and strive to fulfil the assigned target of VND6,000 billion.

In which, reviewing and grasping revenue sources, especially main sources of income, paying attention to attracting and retaining businesses with regular import and export volume, contributing significant revenue. In addition, proactively assess the impact of international commitments on state budget collection to propose and implement specific solutions.

Thirdly, strictly control and manage the area of customs operations, and promptly handle cases of smuggling, trade fraud, and illegal cross-border transportation of goods. Actively develop key plans to prevent smuggling, trade fraud and illegal cross-border transportation of goods. Strengthen inspection and supervision of import and export goods; anti-fraud, counterfeiting of origin, labels, and IP infringement; promote internal inspection, online supervision, inspection and review on the customs data system.

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Fourth, ensure to complete 100% of registered key tasks to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Lang Son Customs Department (September 10, 1953 – September 10, 2023); strive for 100% of public servants and employees to strictly abide by the Party’s guidelines, the State’s laws and policies, and the discipline of the Industry. Lang Son Customs is determined to build a team of civil servants with the slogan “Discipline, integrity, professionalism, creativity, excellent completion of tasks”. Lang Son Customs Department is committed to implementing the objectives by practical actions, strictly implementing “Regulations on public service activities of Vietnam Customs”; building a team of professional Customs officers, operating with integrity, having professional qualifications suitable for the job position, mastering modern technology to meet the requirements of tasks in the new situation.


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