Removing shortcomings in management for e stamp labelling on tobacco and alcohol products


VCN – The General Department of Vietnam Customs has issued an official dispatch to remove problems related to management for e-stamp labelling on tobacco and alcohol products on the online public service system.

Removing shortcomings in management for e-stamp labelling on tobacco and alcohol products
Officers of Lao Cai International Border Gate Customs Branch. Photo: Thai Binh.

Accordingly, for the use of e-stamp labelling on imported alcohol, the declaration of “Date of production”, the General Department of Vietnam Customs noted comments and adjusted it on the online public service system. If the alcohol only has the year of production, without the production date, the customs declarant will update the real-time. The implementation time is from April 20, 2023.

Regarding the additional declaration for imported alcohol and tobacco shipments sold before the software is put into operation, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has added the function of “update stamp information” on the online public service system. Therefore, enterprises will make additional declarations.

For the planning to buy e-stamps, if the enterprise has an import demand; or the enterprise is allowed to purchase confiscated or auctioned goods from a competent authority but has not registered to use e-stamps within the prescribed time limit, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has instructed and upgraded the online public service system for enterprises to register the use of e-stamp. The application time is from April 20, 2023.

By Ngoc Linh/Ngoc Loan


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