Striving to 2030 to have more than ten billion dollars export product groups


Striving to 2030 to have more than ten
Textiles and garments are industries with many advantages to promoting exports. Photo: N.Thanh

The Project’s overall objective is to restructure the industry and trade sector to promote economic restructuring and improve productivity, quality, added value and competitiveness of the industry. Creating new growth drivers associated with qualitative changes, the growth model of the Industry and Trade industry and a dynamic, efficient, modern and highly adaptive state governance model to realize industrialization, modernization, and rapid and sustainable development. Striving 2030 to be a country with modern industry in the group of countries with high industrial competitiveness.

In terms of specific targets, the scheme sets an average industrial value-added growth rate of over 8.5 %/year; The proportion of the processing and manufacturing industry in GDP will reach about 30% by 2030.

Ensuring the balance between energy supply and demand with the energy consumption per unit of GDP decreasing by 1-1.5%/year; maintaining a trade balance surplus with the growth rate of exports always higher than imports and an average increase of about 6-8%/year.

The average growth rate of total retail consumer goods and services sales increased by 13-13.5% per year.

The scheme proposes restructuring the industry; energy industry; the import-export sector; the domestic market, and international economic integration.

In particular, on industrial restructuring, harmoniously combining industrial development in both breadth and depth, focusing on development in depth, fully exploiting the achievements of the fourth Industrial Revolution and commercial advantages to create a breakthrough in improving productivity, quality, competitiveness and domestic added value of products. As a result, striving for the average growth rate of industrial labour productivity to reach 7.5%/year, the index of industrial production (IIP) to increase by an average of 8.5 – 9%/year.

Striving to 2030, the proportion of the processing and manufacturing industry in GDP is about 30% with an average growth rate of about 9-10 %/year; the proportion of the value of high-tech industrial products in the processing and manufacturing industries reached over 45%.

For supporting industries, promote the development of supporting industries to serve major export industries such as electronics, automobiles, textiles, leather and footwear, mechanics, high technology, etc. meet the rules of origin in free trade agreements (FTAs).

Striving to 2030, supporting industry meets 70% of domestic production demand. Strengthen mastery of core technologies, build Vietnamese brands, use Vietnamese technologies and effectively connect with a network of Vietnamese experts and intellectuals abroad.

Regarding the restructuring of the import-export sector, focusing on prioritizing the development of exports of products with large export scale and high competitive advantages (electronics, textiles, garments, leather and footwear, agricultural products, furniture, etc.) associated with diversification and improvement of export product quality. Increase the proportion of exports of goods with deep processing content, high technology, high added value, large localization rate, meeting high standards of quality and sustainable development of markets.

With the group of fuels and minerals, the export of important minerals is gradually reduced, even in concentrates.

With the agricultural, forestry and fishery products, improving productivity, quality, and added value, expanding the market and brand of Vietnamese goods. Restructuring export goods with a strong focus on deep processing, high quality and high-tech products. Improve the ability to meet regulations, quality standards, food hygiene and safety, social responsibility standards, environment, low carbon emissions and labour.

Group of processed and manufactured industrial goods: Continue to expand exports to effectively exploit market potentials associated with restructuring export towards products with high technology content, with a high proportion of domestic products and meet the high standards of quality standards and sustainable development of the markets. Increase the export market share of domestic enterprises.

Striving to 2030, the export proportion of processed and manufactured goods will increase to about 90%, of which the proportion of medium and high-tech goods will increase to about 70%.

As for the new product group, review new products with a low current turnover but with high growth potential in the coming time to have policies to encourage development and create a breakthrough in exports such as other products. Halal products to Muslim markets, Kosher products to Jewish markets, fresh fruits to European and US markets, green and cyclical, environmentally and climate-friendly commodities, commodities environment and low carbon. Strive by 2030 to have about 10 more product groups join the US $ one billion group.

Strengthen the diversification of export markets so as not to rely too heavily on a few markets and minimize negative impacts from trade conflicts. Focus on developing exports through cross-border e-commerce and foreign distribution systems.


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