HCM City set an objective of 100 of e invoices from cash registers


VCN – The People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City issued a document directing affiliated departments, branches and localities to focus on implementing solutions to ensure 100% of e-invoices initialized from cash registers in 2023 for groups of taxpayers subject to implementation.

The use of e-invoices initialized from cash registers creates many advantages for taxpayers. Photo: T.D
The use of e-invoices initialized from cash registers creates many advantages for taxpayers. Photo: T.D

According to the directive, besides actively coordinating with relevant units, HCM City Tax Department must promote dissemination and publicize information on a large scale about the benefits of using e-invoices initiated from cash registers so that taxpayers can capture information, voluntarily change from using ordinary e-invoices to e-invoices created from cash registers; promptly support to solve problems arising in the process of applying e-invoices initialized from cash registers of taxpayers in terms of policies, professional operations and software usage.

Tax authorities must review and classify taxpayers subject to the use of e-invoices created from cash registers for deployment, ensuring the correct roadmap of the Ministry of Finance and the General Department of Taxation. At the same time, guiding and urging the cases in which the subject to deployed but it does not have a cash register and sales management software to connect the e-invoice data initialized from cash registers.

Furthermore, Tax Department set up a hotline to immediately grasp and handle problems, or report them to superiors for timely solutions, and advise the Party committees and local authorities on solutions to effectively implement the program of e-invoice created from the cash register associated with “Lucky Invoice” program by using appropriate and effective forms to help taxpayers to understand, agree and comply.

In this document, the People’s Committee of HCM City also directs Planning and Investment Department to notify and guide enterprises, business households and individuals to use e-invoices initialized from cash registers when registering to establish businesses; the Department of Information and Communications should strengthen dissemination about the purpose, meaning and benefits of using e-invoices created from cash registers.

Regarding competent forces such as police, customs and market surveillance, HCM City People’s Committee requested to coordinate with the tax department to strengthen inspection of the use of invoices for consumer goods in circulation and origin of goods from the input in order to promptly detect and prevent cases of illegal buying, selling and using invoices.

The People’s Committee of HCM City also requested the State Bank – HCM City Branch to continue directing commercial banks and credit institutions to accelerate the implementation of cashless payment, expand the form of e-tax payment, especially for business households and individuals; providing information on banking transactions of taxpayers and units that use invoices illegally. In particular, focusing on non-state economic sector with the key point being commodity trading, retailing, and providing service directly to consumers who rarely take bills.

Deputy Director of HCM City Tax Department Nguyen Tien Dung said that from the first days of implementing the program of e-invoice initiated from cash registers, the Tax Department has disseminated the benefits of e-invoices created from cash registers to people and businesses through multiple channels.

At the same time, the Tax Department has coordinated with service providers to organize training sessions. As a result, as of February 17, 2023, the number of people who successfully registered to use e-invoices created from cash registers at HCM City Tax Department reached 15.5% of the plan for the first phase.

According to Mr. Dung, the percentage of taxpayers who are enterprises and business households that register to use e-invoices initialized from cash registers has not met the requirements in the early stages because most taxpayers are afraid of the cost of the issuance of invoices created from cash registers throughout the system, especially the supermarket chain model.

By Thu Dịu/Thanh Thuy


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