Customs sector launches performance indicators


VCN – To implement Decision No. 766/QD-TTg approving performance indicators for directing and assessing the service quality to people and businesses in electronically implementing administrative procedures and public services in real-time, the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC) has requested units to perform thereby clearly defining the tasks.

Customs sector launches performance indicators
Vice Chairman of Hai Phong City People’s Committee Le Anh Quan (left) and Director Nguyen Duy Ngoc (second from left) discuss with representatives of FDI enterprises on the sidelines of the Dialogue Conference with Import-Export enterprises held by the City People’s Committee in May 2022. Photo: TB

The GDVC has required units to disseminate contents in Decision No. 766/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister and Decision No. 1507/QD-BTC of the Ministry of Finance to units and officers to grasp the purposes, requirements, objects, implementation methods, evaluation and classification of the performance indicators, thereby clearly defining the task and improving the indicators.

Accordingly, the units in charge of drafting legal documents and units processing administrative procedures must implement in line with the notified time, announce components forming the administrative documents and update administrative procedures and the National Database on Administrative Procedures following the lime limit and full contents of procedures; standardize administrative procedure data and sample results of administrative procedures on the National Database of Administrative Procedures.

In addition, units should review and propose amendments, supplements, and issuance of legal documents on customs in the direction of strengthening regulations on administrative procedures, providing online public services, issuing results of online processing administrative procedures, using population data provided by the Ministry of Public Security and reuse digitized information and data in handling administrative procedures.

The GDVC requests units receiving and carrying out administrative procedures to publish administrative procedures; entirely, accurately and regularly integrate data between the Ministry of Finance’s electronic single window information system, the Ministry’s public service portal and Customs IT systems with the National Public Service Portal.

Digitize the records and results of administrative procedures as per the provisions of Clause 11 Article 1 of Decree 107/2021/ND-CP and the guidance of the Government Office in Official Dispatch 9318 /VPCP-KSTT; improve the quality of handling administrative procedures; increase the use of population data and reuse digitized information and data in processing administrative procedures.

The customs units need to implement solutions to ensure the necessary technical conditions for the smooth operation of the Customs IT system.

Increase the number of administrative procedures provided by online public services with online payment transactions; increase the number of commercial banks signing collection cooperation agreements with Customs. Promote encouraging individuals, organizations and enterprises to carry out administrative procedures by the online method and the benefits of online payment.

Units need to handle complaints and recommendations on administrative regulations to be consistent with regulations.

By Nu Bui/Ngoc Loan


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