Ha Tinh Customs handles 23 cases of violations smuggling and trade fraud


VCN – According to statistics of Ha Tinh Customs Department, in the first three months of 2022, the unit detected and handled 32 cases of administrative violations in customs with the value of infringing goods and monetary penalties totalling VND123.7 million.

From the beginning of the year, to control the task of anti-smuggling and preventing trade fraud, Ha Tinh Customs has closely followed the direction of leaders at all levels and strengthened the fight at key locations. In particular, the unit has proactively arranged forces and on-duty officers, determining to avoid violations in key areas.

Ha Tinh Customs coordinates to arrest Nguyen Ba Quyen due to transporting nearly 8,000 tablets of synthetic drugs. Photo: Kim Phượng
Ha Tinh Customs coordinates to arrest Nguyen Ba Quyen due to transporting nearly 8,000 tablets of synthetic drugs. Photo: Kim Phượng

Through control, Ha Tinh Customs found that illegal drug trafficking and transport of goods across the land border still contained many complicated signs, especially those who took advantage of the terrain to transport drugs inland.

Besides that, the suspects involved in smuggling and illegal transport of goods still use the method of splitting and dividing smuggled goods into small packages in order to deal with the activities of competent authorities such as hiding in the car compartment, car door, seat, undercarriage, floor, for transportation.

Statistics showed that, in the first three months of the year, Ha Tinh Customs detected, arrested and handled 18 cases of administrative violations in the customs field with the value of infringing goods and fines of VND123.7 million. The main infringing goods are rice cookers, sugar, seasoning, washing powder, shampoo, round rosewood.

Up to this point, the unit has handled and sold one consignment of confiscated goods and paid into the state budget more than VND12.8 million. The remaining infringing shipments are being handled in accordance with the law.

The unit also coordinated with competent forces in the area to detect and handle seven smuggling cases, three cases of smuggled firecrackers and four cases with six people illegally storing, transporting and trading in narcotics. The seized exhibits included 8kg of ketamine, 1kg of methamphetamine, 18,443 Amphetamine tablets, 151.3kg of firecrackers, 1,175 SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test kits.

In order to perform the task of anti-smuggling and trade fraud prevention, in the future, Ha Tinh Customs would continue to closely work with the competent authorities at the border gate in preventing, investigating and handling violations in cases of illegal transport of goods.

Furthermore, the unit also enhances information collection, synchronizes professional measures, promptly detects and handles cases of smuggling and illegal transport of goods across the border. In particular, focusing on key products such as drugs, alcohol, beer, tobacco, confectionery, beverages, electronics and refrigerated products, household appliances, etc.

By Nụ Bùi/Thanh Thuy


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