Customs force will use new uniform from April 1


VCN – From April 1, 2022, the Customs force will use new uniforms according to the provisions of Decree No. 02/ND-CP dated January 7, 2021 of the Government on traditional flags, ensigns, symbols and customs insignia, as well as signs for vehicles.

According to information from the General Department of Vietnam Customs implementing Decree 02/ND-CP; Decision 188 dated February 2, 2017; Decision No. 1062 dated April 19, 2021, Official Letter No. 933/TCHQ-VP was issued on March 21, 2022 on the official use of the new uniform.

Decree 02/2021/ND-CP has many new points, in order to build the image of the customs force towards regularity and modernity as well as the majesty in the process of performing their duties, building a beautiful and professional image and enhancing the position of the customs force in “guarding the economy’s gates”, which was assigned by the Party and Government.

Changes are made to the colors, styles of spring-summer customs uniforms and regulations on uniforms for forces in anti-smuggling work. Customs uniforms stipulated in Decree 02/2021/ND-CP have many adjustments in design and color, especially the color of spring-summer clothes has changed from blue (Decree 10/2005/ND-CP) to blue-black with the same color pants; there is a customs symbol attached on the shoulder of the sleeve, and there is an adjustment in the style to create elegance and neatness.

The uniform of anti-smuggling forces has been changed to meet the requirements of the mission, ensuring that the uniforms demonstrate majesty and power to suppress criminals in the fight against smuggling and illegal transport of goods.

Furthermore, the uniform of the anti-smuggling force of the customs sector is inspired by the field clothes of the army and police forces with a material design suitable for performance; the camouflage color is mixed on the basis of four colors (Pantone Black 7C, Army green Pantone 560C, withered grass Warm Gray 11C, Pantone 4665C) which is easy to hide and does not overlap with other forces; the design is in a dynamic and modern direction, with many pockets and belts to store tools, specialized hand-held machinery and equipment.

The second highlight is specific regulations on signs for vehicles serving customs patrol, control and supervision (ships, cars) and the position of flags, customs symbols, beacons, speakers and horns.

For boats and canoes, it comes from the characteristics of ships’ operations, which are official-duty ships performing the tasks of patrolling, controlling and preventing smuggling and illegal transport of goods across the border, maintaining order, economic security, safety and national economic sovereignty; at the same time, coordinating with the navy, coast guard and border defence forces in cooperation when necessary, contributing to the protection of national security and defense.

For cars serving patrol, control and customs supervision, Decree 02/2021/ND-CP provides specific guidance on signs. Accordingly, the reflective words “CUSTOMS” are printed on both sides of the vehicle following the specifications: uppercase, vertical, font size depending on each type of car; there is a customs symbol attached to the front of the car and in front of the word “CUSTOMS”. The roof of the car has speakers, yellow beacons; customs flags are placed on the front of the vehicle to the left of the driver.

In addition, other items such as hats, shoes, socks, nameplates and Customs ID cards are also adjusted in accordance with the work and practical requirements.

The improvement and production of the new uniform will overcome the limitations, changing the appearance of the customs force, meeting the working requirements of the customs force in the new situation.

This shows the determination to build an image of a regular, professional and modern customs force, starting from the requirements of international integration, standardizing the Vietnam Customs force as “Professional, transparent, efficient”, creating a legal basis for a modern customs, meeting the development requirements of a socialist-oriented market economy, improving the awareness and ensure majesty but still show harmony, youthfulness, dynamism, not coincide or cause confusion with the colors and costumes of other forces.

Customs officers in the image of a new spring-summer outfit with a short-sleeved shirt.
Customs officers in the image of a new spring-summer outfit with a short-sleeved shirt.
Customs force will use new uniform from April 1
Customs officers in the image of new spring-summer outfits with long sleeves.
Customs force will use new uniform from April 1
Customs officers in the image of a new spring-summer outfit with a short-sleeved shirt on the side of an official car with new features as prescribed in Decree 02.
Customs force will use new uniform from April 1
Customs officers in the image of the formal uniform
Customs force will use new uniform from April 1
Customs officers in anti-smuggling uniform.
Customs force will use new uniform from April 1
Customs officers in anti-smuggling and spring-summer outfits

By Thái Bình/Thanh Thuy


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