Tax Industry actively supports during the peak month of tax settlement


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Tax Industry actively supports during the peak month of tax settlement
Officers of Hanoi Tax Department directly answer questions raised by tax payers. Photo: PT

Promptly answering problems for tax payers

To assist taxpayers in understanding policies, procedures, methods of declaration submission of annual tax finalization declaration documents, implementing procedures for tax payment and tax refund, the General Department of Taxation issued Official Dispatch No. 522/TCT-TTHT on supporting tax finalization to request Tax departments to base on the characteristics of taxpayer groups to develop programs to support taxpayers during peak tax settlement months.

According to direction of the General Department of Taxation, local Tax departments will gather arising problems of taxpayers to issue guidance documents, including the recommendation on errors that taxpayer have made in carrying out tax finalization procedures. These contents must be posted and updated in many different forms to ensure that all taxpayer groups can access guidance information from tax departments and branches, understand tax finalization obligations and implement tax finalization procedures in accordance with the provisions of law.

Recently, the Tax industry also published the book “Guidelines for tax declaration and finalization 2023 and newly amended and supplemented tax policy”. In addition, the General Department of Taxation has required local tax departments to review and urgently the response to taxpayers’ written inquiries in line with regulations; arrange officers to promptly respond to documents and problems; effectively implement 479 information channels to support taxpayers and assign experienced officers to answer and handle obstacle for them.

Implementing the direction of the General Department of Taxation, local Tax departments have prioritized organizing online supportive conferences on their official website and social network accounts so that taxpayers can easily send questions and monitor responses and consultation and apply in similar situations conveniently. Local tax departments have simultaneously organized peak months to support tax settlement.

In Hanoi, on March 5, Hanoi Tax Department held an online support conference with the theme “Hanoi Tax Department guides, supports, and accompanies taxpayers in implementing tax finalization in 2023”. Mr. Vu Manh Cuong, Director of Hanoi Tax Department, said that the organization of conference aims to facilitate taxpayers in complying with tax law, especially tax finalization procedures. The conference was participated by more than 200,000 businesses, organizations, business households, business individuals, and taxpayers in the area. This is an effective support channel, helping local taxpayers understand and more easily implement tax policies and laws.

Accompanying taxpayers in a practical and effective manner

Annually, Hanoi Tax Department has held “Companion month to support tax payers” to facilitate tax payers in implementing tax policies and law, focus on implementing corporate income tax finalization and personal income tax finalization. In 2024, the department will focus on implementing the Program on “Accompanying businesses, organizations and individuals in tax finalization in 2023” from March 18 to May 2, 2024 at the Department Office and 25 tax branches of districts, towns and regions with 3 support functions: supporting on policy, information technology, and tax declaration.

Mr. Bui Trong Nghia, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) said that VCCI highly appreciates the great efforts of the Tax industry and the Hanoi Tax Department. The units have actively modernized and effectively applied information technology and digital technology to tax management and reformed tax administrative procedures to simplify procedures, facilitate and reduce costs for taxpayers in fulfilling tax obligations.

According to the VCCI representative, the Tax authority has resolved problems and facilitated taxpayers in tax payment.

Mr. Bui Trong Nghia said that the support program of the Hanoi Tax Department is a practical and effective companion to people and enterprises, especially during the economic recovery period.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Cuc, Chairwoman of the Vietnam Tax Consulting Association, highly appreciated the effectiveness of taxpayer support programs such. According to Ms. Cuc, taxpayers can submit support requests online anywhere instead of sending directly. Through such support sessions, concerns and problems of businesses in the process of implementing corporate income tax finalization, personal income tax… will be answered and guided by the Tax.

Many other localities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Phu Tho, Bac Ninh, Thai Nguyen, Da Nang, Bac Giang, Khanh Hoa, Thanh Hoa, Hai Duong… have also planned and implemented “Peak month for tax finalization support in 2023”.

In Ho Chi Minh City, the City’s Tax Department plans to organize a training conference on tax finalization in 2023 and update new tax policies and regulations on electronic invoices from December 12 to 20. March 2024.

Khanh Hoa Tax Department plans to organize “Companion month to support tax payers from February 21 to April 29, 2024.

On February 28, Phu Tho Tax Department organized an online Conference on Tax Finalization Support and Dialogue in 2023 at the department and eight tax branches, attracting over 4,000 tax payers.


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