MoF implements strong administrative reform


MoF implements strong administrative reform
The Finance sector sets a strong administrative reform target to create favourable business conditions. Illustrative photo: Thai Binh

Closely control administrative procedures

The Ministry of Finance has identified administrative reform as one of the top solutions, playing a role in promoting the accomplishment of economic growth and development targets of the Finance sector in 2023.

To implement the administrative reform in 2023, from the end of 2022, the Ministry of Finance has issued a plan for administrative reform in 2023 with key tasks and solutions to foster and perform effectively administrative reform in the financial field.

The plan closely follows seven contents of administrative reform, sets out 59 task groups with 150 specific products and output activities, and clearly defines the responsibilities of each unit and implementation progress.

In the first quarter of 2023, the Ministry of Finance has performed 109 of 150 tasks under the plan. The Ministry has completed 19 tasks, executed 60 tasks effectively, and implemented 30 tasks.

After the Government issued Resolution No. 01/2023/NQ-CP, the Ministry of Finance issued an Action Plan for implementing Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP with many comprehensive solutions in the financial field.

In the first quarter of 2023, the Ministry of Finance strictly controlled administrative procedures under its management to comprehensively reform administrative procedures associated with the development of the e-Government and digital transformation to create maximum convenience for citizens and businesses, contributing to improving the business environment and enhancing national competitiveness. Furthermore, the Ministry reviewed and evaluated administrative procedures to propose abolishing inappropriate administrative procedures or revising them in a specific, clear and simple manner, increasing feasibility for individuals and organizations in implementation.

The Ministry issued fives decisions, abolished four administrative procedures; supplemented, amended and replaced seven administrative procedures; announced three new administrative procedures in the fields of customs, tax, price management and insurance management. The Ministry also publicized and updated fully and promptly on the National Public Service Portal, the website of the Ministry of Finance and the headquarters of the agency receiving and performing administrative procedures.

Currently, 800 valid administrative procedures are under the management of the Ministry of Finance, including 235 tax procedures, 230 customs procedures, 11 procedures related to the State Treasury sector, 7 procedures related to the Reserve, 104 procedures related to stock and 213 administrative procedures related to the financial sector.

Promoting online public service delivery

In addition to building and developing e-Government, the Ministry of Finance promotes IT applications and digital transformation. In 2023, the Ministry continues to implement the digital transformation of the Finance sector with five key pillars: data development, development of platforms, development of service applications, development of digital infrastructure and ensuring information security.

The Ministry aimed to promote online public service provision as a top priority in building e-Government and digital Government to create favourable conditions and reduce costs for citizens and enterprises to promote socio-economic development.

As of March 15, the Ministry launched 792 online public services, including 433 partially online public services and 359 wholly online public services. In addition, the Ministry integrated 296 online public services on the National Public Service Portal, including 98 services of the General Department of Taxation, 98 services of the General Department of Vietnam Customs, 9 services of the State Treasury, 36 services of the State Securities Commission and 56 services of ministerial-level agencies.

Thanks to the strong application of information technology and digital transformation, the Finance sector has achieved many results in modernizing key areas such as taxation, customs, and treasury. For example, in the customs field of customs, the Ministry has coordinated with ministries and sectors to complete the implementation of administrative procedures on the National Single Window in 2022.

Currently, the National Single Window has connected 250 administrative procedures of 13 ministries and sectors with participation by 55 thousand enterprises; exchanged e-C/O form D with nine ASEAN member states; controlled, supervised and maintained stable operation of the VNACCS/VCIS and the centralized Customs information technology systems 24/7, ensuring security and smooth operation for customs clearance.

The Ministry has successfully implemented the Vietnam Automated system for seaport Customs management (VASSCM) at 33 out of 35 local customs departments, facilitating seaport, yard and warehouse operators, reducing costs for importers and exporters, and improving the effectiveness of customs supervision.

Mr Nguyen Viet Ha, Deputy Director of the Department of Informatics and Financial Statistics (Ministry of Finance), said that the development and maintenance of the IT and statistics system at the units under the Ministry of Finance had been associated with the political tasks of the Finance sector, meeting requirements on the management of the national financial system, and better serve people and businesses.

Regarding administrative reform, and digital transformation, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested the Finance sector to promote modernization and reform and cut business conditions, build e-Government to serve citizens and businesses, foster digital transformation, and ask the Customs sector to transfer the smart customs model soon.


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