Ministry of Finance Ministry of Public Security strengthen coordination in taxation customs and securities


Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc speaks at the conference
Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc speaks at the conference

Attending the conference, on the side of the Ministry of Finance were Deputy Minister Vo Thanh Hung and representatives of a number of units under the Ministry of Finance; on the side of the Ministry of Public Security were Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security and representatives of a number of units under the Ministry of Public Security.

At the conference, Minister Ho Duc Phoc said that the coordination between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Public Security has achieved many positive results.

In particular, the two ministries issued Joint Circular 85/2016/TTLT-BTC-BCA dated June 20, 2016 providing for coordination in national security protection and social order and safety in the financial area.

Over the past five years of implementation of this Circular, it has contributed to overcoming overlaps, duplications and inefficiency in preventing, fighting and handling law violations in the financial area, especially in the fields of taxation, customs and securities.

The coordination activities between the two ministries has made a positive change in the awareness and actions of cadres and civil servants; clearly defined assigned roles and responsibilities, contributing to maintaining political security, social order and safety, creating a healthy competitive business climate, promoting production and preventing loss of revenue for the State budget.

Specifically, in the taxation field, the tax authorities have regularly worked with the police to review information, data and analyze risk factors, and doubts in the field of tax administration.

In addition, to effectively prevent, detect, fight and handle violations and crimes in the taxation field, the General Department of Taxation and the Police Department for Investigation of Crimes on Corruption, Economy and Smuggling (C03) of the Ministry of Public Security has developed a coordination plan and will deploy it by the end of August 2022.

Minister of Public Security To Lam speaks at the conference
Minister of Public Security To Lam speaks at the conference

In the field of securities, the State Securities Commission (SSC) has closely coordinated with units under the Ministry of Public Security (C01, C03, A04, A09), Hanoi City Police (PC 01, PC03, PA04), to regularly exchange information about the movement of the stock market, problems arising in the stock market that affect security, order, safety and other cases in the market; and strengthened coordination in the prevention of law violations, securities-related crimes, and violations on the stock market.

In the field of customs, Customs and the Police have closely coordinated in detecting, fighting and preventing smuggling, trade fraud, and illegal cross-border transportation of goods.

The General Department of Customs has actively worked with units under the Ministry of Public Security, and advised the National Assembly and the Government to build and improve a system of specialized legal documents to improve the efficiency of state management in the fight and prevention of smuggling; and developed a unified coordination mechanism with the Police in each period to fight smuggling, trade fraud, counterfeit goods and illegal cross-border transportation of goods, from the General Department level to the local levels.

The conference
The conference

Speaking at the conference, General To Lam highly appreciated the coordination between the two ministries. In particular, the two sides have signed many legal documents and joint circulars on coordination in national security protection and social order and safety in the financial area.

Financial security is extremely important and the Ministry of Public Security has received close coordination from the Ministry of Finance in all fields. General, Minister To Lam said that, with deepening global economic integration, the crime situation will become more and more complicated, so it is necessary to have closer coordination between the Ministry of Public Security and relevant units to maintain financial security.

In the near future, to strengthen coordination between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Public Security, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc proposed further coordination with the Ministry of Public Security to exchange information and new State policies on tax, fight methods and tricks of tax evasion and tax fraud; and to promptly detect, prevent, fight and handle violations of tax laws, especially in key areas such as real estate, e-commerce, import and export, tax refund and business services.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance will continue to coordinate with police agencies in developing and perfecting mechanisms and policies on securities and the stock market to ensure strict management, publicity and transparency and worked with police agencies in investigating, verifying and handling violations on the stock market and false rumors spreading affecting the market.

Moreover, the two sides will improve the Regulation on coordination between the Customs force and the Investigation Police Department on Drug-related Crimes under the Ministry of Public Security to increase the efficiency of information exchange, operation, detection and handling of violations of drug trafficking; continue to coordinate in reviewing, researching and advising on the development of guidelines, policies and laws in the fight against crime, smuggling, commercial fraud, counterfeit goods and illegal cross-border transportation of goods.


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