Improving the efficiency of National Single Window


VCN – Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh, Head of the National Steering Committee on ASEAN Single Window (ASW), National Single Window (NSW) and trade facilitation (Committee 1899), chaired the 8th meeting of the Commission 1899 on August 5 at the Government headquarters.

Improving the efficiency of National Single Window
At the meeting. Photo: Q.H

Procedures connecting over 55,000 enterprises

The meeting reviewed the performance of 2021 and the first six months of 2022, and defined orientations and tasks for the rest of the year of the Committee 1899.

At the meeting, Deputy Director General of Vietnam Customs Mai Xuan Thanh said that as of June 30, 249 administrative procedures of 13 ministries and sectors had been connected to more than 55,000 businesses.

Vietnam has launched official connections in the ASEAN Single Window to exchange information on e-certificate form D with all other ASEAN member states.

“The launching of NSW has been highly appreciated by enterprises and internal and external organizations; brought practical effects to state management agencies, businesses, organizations, people,’’ said Deputy Director General Mai Xuan Thanh.

The specialized inspection and development of logistics activities has achieved positive results.

Regarding tasks for the rest of the year, the Committee strives to accomplish tasks under the plan approved by the Prime Minister and the Head of the Committee in 1899, and develop an action plan for implementing ASW and NSW, promoting the logistics industry and trade facilitation.

The Committee sets the key targets such as completing connection of administrative procedures via NSW and ASW; performing the coordination in the operation of NSW, ASW and specialized inspection by the General Department of Vietnam Customs; building and implementing an action plan for running NSW, and promoting the logistics industry and facilitating trade for 2022 – 2026.

Submitting to the competent authorities for promulgation of a Decree on information connection and sharing of import, export and transit of goods; entry and exit, transit of people and means of transport via the NSW.

Developing and implementing a master plan on building and developing an IT system for NSW and ASW towards centralized processing while promoting the training, dissemination and support for people, businesses, ministries and agencies in implementing ASW and NSW.

Regarding reform of specialized inspection of import and export goods, implementing targets assigned by the Government, especially in Resolution 19/NQ-CP in 2018; Decision 1254/QD-TTg and Decision 1258/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister.

In regards to the trade facilitation and the implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and fully implementing the commitments with a roadmap until the end of December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2024. Specifically, identifying legal gaps between domestic regulations and revised commitments (if any), seeking support resources to meet commitments.

At the meeting, Director General of the General Department of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can clarified the recommendations and proposals of the ministries and sectors related to the implementation of NSW, ASW, specialized inspection and development of logistics operations.

Quantity attaches with quality

At the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh highly appreciated the efforts of ministries and branches in performing NSW, ASW, specialized inspection and promoting the development of logistics activities over the past time.

The Deputy Prime Minister also pointed out a number of limitations and shortcomings and asked the ministries and sectors to urgently provide solutions to overcome these obstacles. For example, problems related to specialized management and inspection of imported and exported goods.

“The overlapping in inspection between ministries and sectors for some products still take place. There are many inspections but have not yet detected violations. The inspection procedures still seem red tape,” said the Deputy Prime Minister

Regarding the tasks in the last months of the year, the Deputy Prime Minister requested ministries and sectors to give comments at the meeting to have solutions for effective implementation.

Ministries and sectors need to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the performance of connected administrative procedures. “Any procedures that have been performed ineffectively should be abolished” said the Deputy Prime Minister.

By Thai Binh-Quang Hung/Ngoc Loan


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