Hanoi develops plans to prevent contraband goods


VCN – The 389 Steering Committee of Hanoi has actively developed specific plans to inspect, monitor, identify, prevent and handle smuggling cases, trade fraud, counterfeit goods and goods infringing intellectual property rights, especially during holidays and Tet.

Customs officers of North Thang Long Industrial Park Customs Branch, Hanoi Customs Department inspect import and export goods. Photo: N.Linh
Customs officers of North Thang Long Industrial Park Customs Branch, Hanoi Customs Department inspect import and export goods. Photo: N.Linh

Shortcomings and difficulties

The 389 Steering Committee 389 of Hanoi said, in the first half of 2022, competent authorities seriously followed the guiding documents of the Government and the National Steering Committee 389 on the fight against smuggling and trade fraud and counterfeit goods.

Through inspection and examination, authorities in Hanoi discovered 10,556 violations.

Accordingly, 9,228 cases were sanctioned for administrative violations and VND1,145,642 billion was paid to the State budget (including an administrative fine of VND382,897 billion; tax arrears after inspection of VND762,451 billion and the total value of infringing goods of VND123.9 billion). The authorities in the city prosecuted 73 cases with 106 suspects.

According to Vice Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Manh Quyen, Head of the Hanoi Steering Committee 389, the above results have shown the efforts of the authorities in the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and fake goods. Many cases of smuggling and counterfeit goods were handled in a timely manner, attracting public attention.

He also frankly acknowledged, besides the achieved results, the struggle still has many shortcomings and difficulties.

That is, activities of smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods have been taking place in a complicated direction, making it difficult for authorities. The authorities have faced difficulties in storing and preserving large volume of infringing goods in large-scale cases. In addition, the valuation and assessment of intellectual property are still complicated and prolonged, the costs for goods assessment and destruction, and storage is high, and there is no specific regulation on financial mechanisms, leading to shortcomings.

Responsibility of the leader

Vice Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Manh Quyen said that to promote the achieved results, the Hanoi Steering Committee 389 continues to implement the key tasks.

Firstly, proactively develop specific plans to conduct inspection, supervision, detection, prevention and handling of smuggling, commercial fraud, counterfeit goods and goods infringing intellectual property rights, especially during holidays and Tet.

Second, to strengthen the coordination and exchange of information with other authorities to improve the ability to grasp the area, forecast the market situation, methods and tricks, especially new tricks and situations.

Third, to strengthen information and raise the public’s awareness to participate in the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting; attach responsibilities of heads of agencies and units to the results of anti-smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting; to promote ideological education, strengthen public service discipline, and prevent negative manifestations and harassment of cadres and civil servants in their task performance.

Mr. Nguyen Manh Quyen suggested that the 389 National Steering Committee should request the 389 Steering Committees of provinces and cities bordering other countries to make more efforts in the fight against smuggling and trade fraud and counterfeit goods to prevent and minimize contraband goods across the border to inland for consumption, including Hanoi.

Dong Thap Customs: Actively preventing contraband goods in the last months of the year Dong Thap Customs: Actively preventing contraband goods in the last months of the year

In addition, the 389 National Steering Committee should propose the Government provide financial support, as well as develop a financial mechanism to serve the inspection, storage and destruction costs of goods, vehicles and equipment serving the fight against smuggling, as well as regulations on business conditions of warehouses and yards; regulations on the valuation of infringing goods in compliance with regulations and timeliness, avoiding a prolonged situation that makes it difficult for investigation and handling of violations.

At the conference to review the performance in the first six months of the year of the 389 National Steering Committee, Standing Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh, Head of the 389 National Steering Committee also noted that Hanoi and other big cities should pay attention to violations of trading in counterfeit goods and poor quality goods through e-commerce.

By Quang Hung/ Huyen Trang


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