Focus on accomplishing the key task of Single Window and specialized inspection


VCN – The Customs sector is gathering resources to concentrate on completing key tasks related to the implementation of the National Single Window (NSW) and specialized inspection.

Director General Nguyen Van Can chair the meeting. Photo: T.Bình
Director General Nguyen Van Can chair the meeting. Photo: T.Bình

On August 15, the Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can chaired a meeting related to the implementation of the instructions of Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh, Director of the National Steering Committee on ASEAN Single Window (ASW), NSW and Trade Facilitation (1899 Commission) at its 8th session (August 5, 2022).

Attending the meeting were Deputy Director General Mai Xuan Thanh; representatives of leaders of Customs Information Technology and Statistics Department, Customs Control and Supervision Department, Import and Export Duty Department, Risk Management Department and Office of the General Department of Vietnam Customs.

At the meeting, the Director General stressed that from now until the end of the year, time was short while the workload and task requirements were very large, so in order to ensure progress and quality, affiliated units needed to put in more effort.

Regarding specific tasks, the Director General requested to focus on effectively implementing and submitting to competent authorities a draft Decree stipulating the management mechanism, methods, order and procedures for quality inspection and food safety inspection for imported goods; the Decree stipulated the connection and sharing of information in the field of exports, imports, goods transit, people and means of transport on exit, entry and transit following NSW in association with the Overall Scheme on building and developing an IT system serving the implementation of NSW and the ASEAN Single Window in the direction of centralized processing; develop an Action Plan to implement NSW, promote the logistics industry and facilitate trade in the 2022 – 2026 period.

The Director General requested that the implementation of relevant contents must thoroughly embrace the spirit of reform, simplify administrative procedures, and apply the experience of the world’s developed countries.

At the meeting, according to the assignment of the General Director, Deputy Director General Mai Xuan Thanh moderated the consultation of representatives of the units. The Deputy Director General requested that, besides proposing and recommending solutions, the units must clearly state the roadmap and implementation plan.

According to a report at the 8th session, as of June 30, there were 249 out of 261 administrative procedures of 13 ministries and sectors connecting to the National Single Window, with nearly 4.95 million dossiers of more than 55,000 businesses.

Particularly in 2021 and the first six months of 2022, ministries and sectors connected 42 procedures. In particular, 36 procedures were connected in 2021 and six procedures were connected in the first six months of 2022; besides that, there were two procedures to be upgraded and updated.

By Thái Bình/Thanh Thuy


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