Financial support policies reach people and businesses


VCN – To remove difficulties and help people and businesses overcome obstacles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government has issued many support policies on taxes and fees. As soon as the policies were issued, the whole tax sector quickly implemented them to support people, business households and businesses in a timely manner.

This is the first year that value-added tax reduction has been implemented and the third consecutive year that the Government has extended the deadline for tax and land rent payments. Photo: ST
This is the first year that value-added tax reduction has been implemented and the third consecutive year that the Government has extended the deadline for tax and land rent payments. Photo: ST

Taxes have been exempted, reduced and deferred

According to the General Department of Taxation, the state budget is estimated to reduce by VND6,554 billion in the first five months of the year due to the implementation of Decree 103/2021ND-CP on registration fee reduction; reduce by VND 820 billion due to reduction of green tax on jet fuel from January to April 2022, according to Resolution 13/2021/UBTVQH15; reduced VND 6,100 billion due to the reduction of green tax on gasoline, oil and grease according to Resolution 18/2022/UBTVQH15; reduce VND9,000 billion due to value-added tax reduction according to Decree 15/2022/ND-CP dated January 28, 2022 of the Government on tax exemption and reduction policy under Resolution 43/2022/QH15 on fiscal and monetary policies to support the program of socio-economic recovery and development; reduce VND about 480 billion due to the reduction of some fees and charges to support and remove difficulties for those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic according to Circular 120/2021 /TT-BTC.

By the end of June this ear, the deferred tax and land amount rent offered by the tax sector according to Decree 34/2022/ND-CP dated May 28, 2022 of the Government is about VND7,400 billion.

Bring policies into practice soon

According to some tax departments, many policies have a short period, while the scope and objects of support is wide, so tax officials must analyze and predict difficulties and obstacles when the policies are applied, especially new and notable points, thereby quickly transmitting information to businesses, households and business individuals.

Furthermore, tax authorities has regularly organized offline and online dialogue conferences to advise, explain and provide specific instructions on the objects, conditions, order and procedures of an application to enjoy the support policies. Information technology applications and social networking platforms are also maximized by the tax sector, thereby helping taxpayers understand and follow regulations.

According to the Binh Dinh Tax Department, the unit has followed the principle of “all objects must fully supported” along with the action motto “dedicated to listen and dedicated to guide”.

Accordingly, while the policies were being drafted, the Tax Department provided information to businesses and business households; and review the supported groups to actively send open letters and contact (via email, Zalo and phone) to guide taxpayers to enjoy the support when the policies are officially issued. At the same time, the department has regularly update information related to fiscal packages on the electronic portals of tax authorities for people and businesses to access. For example, in the process of applying the value-added tax rate reduction policy (from 10% to 8%), it was realized that many taxpayers face problems in the search and implementation stage. The Tax Department has developed an automatic search tool to support taxpayers; and create an electronic communication portal to receive questions and answer completely online.

According to Dong Nai Tax Department, many support solutions and policies, including those on tax exemption and reduction, have been issued and implemented and brought many positive results, focusing on industries and fields that businesses and people are severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. These solutions are assessed as timely and effective and are highly appreciated by the business community and people, contributing to solving difficulties, stabilizing production and business activities as well as growth of 2020 and 2021.

People and businesses appreciate issued tax policies People and businesses appreciate issued tax policies

VCN – The mechanisms and policies developed by the Tax Policy Department have received the consensus and …

This is the first year of reducing value-added tax and the third year in a row that the Government extends the deadline for tax and land rent payment for tax payers subject to the economic industries that are most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The policies are considered as practical solutions and a great effort of the Government to contribute to encouraging production and business, helping businesses and people overcome difficulties, and ensure transparency, simplicity and streamlined administrative procedures when there is no need to issue more guiding circulars.

Experts say that the extension of tax and land rent payment will partly reduce financial difficulties for businesses and people. The biggest meaning of this policy is to increase the confidence of the business community, showing that the Government always stands by, accompanies and helps businesses overcome difficulties.

By Thuy Linh/ Huyen Trang


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