Thanh Hoa Seaport Customs improves efficiency from support enterprises


Thanh Hoa Customs creates attraction from the support and company Thanh Hoa Customs creates attraction from the support and company
Thanh Hoa Customs Department confirms power thanks to accompany and support activities Thanh Hoa Customs Department confirms power thanks to accompany and support activities
Thanh Hoa Seaport Customs improves efficiency from support enterprises
Officers of Thanh Hoa Seaport Customs Branch at work. Photo: N.L

Manager of Thanh Hoa Seaport Customs Branch Ngo Van Thanh said that the branch manages industrial parks with more than 200 import and export enterprises, including about 150 enterprises that regularly import and export garments, leather shoes, seafood, construction materials…These enterprises not only create jobs for tens of thousands of workers but also make an important contribution to the province’s economic growth. Therefore, the branch identifies that the facilitation to enterprises to promote import and export activities is the key task and also a criterion for assessing the level of task completion of the branch’s officers.

The branch has achieved positive results in revenue collection in the first quarter of the year. As of the end of March, the branch collected VND62.1 billion, reaching 33.05% of the target.

The leader of the branch also shared the operation status of enterprises in the area as saying that after the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses have been seriously affected due to the lack of orders and the decrease in export, especially the export to the American and European markets. Therefore, the branch has made plans and assigned leaders to work with businesses and closely follow their operation status, thereby providing solutions to support enterprises. Through supervising the operation of enterprises, the enterprises have stable orders until the end of April.

However, Thanh said that although the business’s orders have recovered and become more stable, there are also arising difficulties. “Because in 2023, businesses did not have order, so that workers left their jobs. Currently, there are orders but businesses lack workers. The orders do not last as long as before, so attracting and retaining workers is also a difficult problem. In that context, the Customs actively facilitates enterprises in term of policies and procedures to help them stabilize production and business,” Thanh said.

The branch continues to maintain and provide more solutions to support enterprises. In addition to organizing business dialogue conferences, the branch has arranged officers suitable to working position, meeting requirements of customs control; fully complied with customs processes. Notably, the branch had established and maintained regular operation of the working team supporting enterprises. The branch includes qualified and experienced officers who directly grasp and remove problems for enterprises.

In addition, the working team also regularly grasp information on operation of enterprises to implement supportive solutions. The accompanying with businesses not only facilitate enterprises but also ensure the customs control. If the enterprises stop operation, the Customs will take measures to manage imported materials.

According to the leader of Thanh Hoa Customs Department, changes in personnel at the enterprise due to difficulties in production and import-export activities, so it requires the Customs to regularly accompany the enterprise. Because many staff of import and export units of businesses have rotated the working positions, leading to inaccurate declaration. Therefore, the Customs must closely monitor and instruct enterprises to avoid violations such as falsely declaration on quantity, value and tax rate. The Customs also supports and resolves difficulties for businesses. Through dialogues with the Customs, businesses have been updated with new documents and policies as soon as possible, promptly implemented and cooperated well with the Customs, improving self-awareness in compliance with the law.

The support of the Customs for businesses has been showed by the rate of goods channels. The branch’s leader said that the rate of goods in Yellow channel only accounts for 10%, and Red channel at 2.6%. This show the quite well compliance with Customs policies and laws.


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