The Financial Inspectorate carries out focus and emphasis to improve work efficiency


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The Financial Inspectorate carries out

The financial inspection system needs to be strengthened and further improve quality and efficiency. Illustration photo: Internet

Develop and complete regulations on inspection work

According to the report on administrative reform in the first quarter of 2024 of the Ministry of Finance, from the beginning of 2024, the Ministry of Finance directed the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance to continue promoting dissemination, thorough understanding, training, and exchanging The Inspection Law 2022 and 2 decrees guiding the implementation of the Inspection Law. Along with that, proactively coordinate with units to develop and complete regulations on inspection work; Urgently circulate inspection conclusions, announce inspection results of inspections and examinations which were carried over to 2023; Conduct surveys and inspections according to the approved 2024 plan.

As a result, in the first quarter of 2024, the Ministry of Finance Inspectorate and units with specialized inspection functions under the Ministry carried out 13,056 inspections and examinations; Conducted inspection of 144,912 tax declaration documents at the agency’s headquarters; Proposed financial settlement of more than 17,491 billion VND, of which, proposed to recover payment to the state budget of more than 6,717 billion VND; Proposal for other financial handling of more than VND 9,868 billion; administrative violation fine of 905.5 billion VND; The amount collected and paid to the state budget is over 2,457 billion VND.

In the second quarter of 2024 and the remainder of 2024, the Ministry of Finance requires units to effectively implement inspection plans and check the compliance with policies, laws, and assigned tasks in the fields under the state management of the Ministry of Finance.

Strengthen decentralization

Currently, with the Ministry of Finance, according to the provisions of the Law on Inspection 2022 and Decree No. 03/2024/ND-CP regulating agencies performing specialized inspection functions and activities of agencies assigned to carry out the function as specialized inspection, inspection agencies under the Ministry of Finance include: Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance, Inspectorate of the State Treasury, Inspectorate of the State Securities Commission, Inspectorate of the General Department of State Reserves.

Agencies assigned to perform specialized inspection functions at the General Department and Department level under the Ministry include: General Department of Taxation; General Department of Customs; Department of Insurance Management and Supervision; Department of Public Asset Management; Price Management Department; Department of Management, supervision of tax policies, fees and charges; Department of Management, Accounting and Auditing Supervision. Department levels under the General Department include: Customs Department, Tax Department, State Reserve Department, Provincial State Treasury and Sub-department levels which are assigned according to specialized laws.

Mr. Tran Van Long, Deputy Director of the Legal Department, Government Inspectorate, said that agencies performing inspection functions under the Ministry of Finance have changed. Units assigned specialized inspection functions are transformed into inspection agencies, including: State Treasury; General Department of State Reserves. New units assigned specialized inspection functions: Department of Public Asset Management; Price Management Department; Department of Management, supervision of tax policies, fees and charges; Department of Management, Accounting and Auditing Supervision. Agencies assigned to perform specialized inspection functions do not establish inspection agencies. The head of the agency assigned to perform the specialized inspection function assigns the task of advising on specialized inspection work to affiliated units.

Furthermore, the procedure for conducting a specialized inspection is shortened compared to conducting an administrative inspection in the following steps: Preparation for inspection (collecting information before issuing the Inspection Decision; Develop and send outlines requiring inspection subjects to report); Finish the inspection (only evaluate the draft inspection conclusion when necessary), etc.

It can be seen that financial inspection and examination is always an effective tool for the Finance sector to quickly overcome limitations, improve management efficiency, and use resources to serve economic development – society. With new regulations on units performing specialized inspection functions or the process of carrying out inspections, inspection work has been revised in a more effective direction, strengthened decentralization, and at the same time more specific definitions also avoid overlap and duplication in inspection activities.

At the end of 2023, the leaders of the Ministry of Finance requested the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance and units with inspection functions under the Ministry in 2024 to continue completing regular and unexpected tasks; The financial inspection system needs to be strengthened and further improve the quality and efficiency in applying information technology in analyzing risks, selecting subjects and conducting inspections.

As for the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance, the unit said it would continue to proactively advise and assist the Ministry in implementing inspection work throughout the sector. The content of inspection and examination will be carried out with focus and emphasis, focusing on current issues which are concerned by public opinion, in accordance with the Government’s direction and to serve executive management work of the Ministry of Finance.


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