Cam Ranh International Airport Customs Branch arrests two female passengers transporting smuggled iPhones


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Cam Ranh International Airport Customs Branch arrests two female passengers transporting smuggled iPhones
Foreign currency and iPhones are seized by Cam Ranh International Airport Customs Branch.

According to Cam Ranh International Airport Customs Branch (under Khanh Hoa Customs Department), on March 31, the branch coordinated with the reconnaissance group of the Immigration Department, Ministry of Public Security to inspect a group of passengers showing suspicious signs at the terminal of Cam Ranh International Airport.

The working team inspected luggage and conducted body search for L.T.N., 40, and N.T.T.A., 31, both of Vietnamese nationality, entering the country on flight number ZE561, from Incheon International Airport (Korea) to Cam Ranh International Airport.

The working team detected that the two suspects had hidden a large amount of foreign currency and mobile phones to avoid detection by the Customs.

Specifically, N.T.T.A. hid US$ 150,000 and 21 used iPhones; L.T.N. hid US$ 43,200 and 27 used iPhones.

Working with the Customs agency, Ms. N.T.T.A. admitted that L.T.N was her friend. They bought US$ 150,000 from a person named “T.C” in Korea to bring to Vietnam to resell and benefit from the difference in foreign exchange rates.

In addition, Ms. N.T.T.A. was hired to transport 21 iPhones of all kinds by a person named “H” in Korea to bring to Vietnam with the shipping fee of VND1 million/phone.

Similarly, Ms. L.T.N. said that she and N.T.T.A were friends, so they pooled their money to buy the foreign currency from a person (unknown identity and background) in Korea and bring it back to Vietnam to resell and benefit from the difference in foreign exchange rates.

Ms. L.T.N. accepted to transport 27 iPhones another person with unknown identity and background from Korea to Vietnam to receive a shipping fee of VND1 million/phone. She also said that she was hired by “T.C” to transport US$43,200 from Korea to Vietnam with the fee of VND4,000,000.

According to the Branch, the total value of the mobile phones was about VND6 billion.

The Branch assessed the nature of the violation, based on the violation and the provisions of law, the Branch found that the violations of Ms. N.T.T.A. and Ms. L.T.N. showed signs of “the crime of illegally transporting goods and currency across the border” specified in Article 189 of the Penal Code.

On April 1, Cam Ranh International Airport Customs Branch sent a document to the Khanh Hoa Provincial Police to propose prosecution for Ms. N.T.T.A and Ms. L.T.N. for illegally transporting goods and currency across the border” specified in Article 189 of the Penal Code.


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