Customs will upgrade Tax exemption reduction and refund systems to ensure effective performance


VCN – The General Department of Vietnam Customs said that they had reviewed the overall functions and professional problems to upgrade the Tax exemption, reduction and refund system for effective implementation in practice.

Accordingly, the General Department of Vietnam Customs will upgrade the Reporting – Statistics function to make daily reports following the processing date of documents to avoid confusion when making reports and control backlogged documents on the Tax exemption, reduction and refund system.

At the same time, adding the function of the tax exemption module in the direction of adding the function of statistics and supervision of rising imported goods subjected to tax exemption on the list of duty-free goods on the Tax Exemption, Reduction and Refund System. Adding a function that allows project owners to submit annual reports on using duty-free goods through an electronic data processing system.

Customs officers of Customs IT Management and Operation Center (Customs IT and Statistics) check the operation of sever. Photo: T.Bình
Customs officers of Customs IT Management and Operation Center (Customs IT and Statistics) check the operation of sever. Photo: T.Bình

In addition, the General Department of Vietnam Customs also synchronously upgraded the information of the revised declaration to the content of the request for tax exemption on the Tax Exemption, Reduction and Refund System in case the enterprise amendments and supplements of information criteria of declaration after clearance on VNACCS system (AMA/AMC) or Online Public Service System.

Updating the exempted tax amounts of import taxes that are added into the Tax Exemption, Reduction and Refund System because, currently, the tax exemption module only updates the exempted import and export tax amounts from the VNACCS system.

In particular, the function of further processing or returning the dossier will be added in case the dossier needs explanation/addition but the time limit is over, and the taxpayer does not make the supplement or explanation; the dossier is sent to the wrong customs unit for handling; dossier sent to the wrong module, the wrong object of tax refund, not subject to tax exemption and handling overpaid tax.

By Nụ Bùi/Thanh Thuy


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