Approving the Scheme on combating fake goods in e commerce


VCN – On March 29, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang signed Decision No. 319/QD-TTg approving the Scheme on combating fake goods and protecting consumers in e-commerce to 2025.

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Approving the Scheme on combating fake goods in e-commerce
Infringing goods are seized by the market surveillance force.

The Scheme aims to create a strong change in awareness for agencies, sectors, people and enterprises to voluntarily comply with the policies and regulations of Party and Government in combating fake goods and protecting consumers.

Improve the effectiveness of consumer protection in e-commerce activities, create trust for consumers in online trading and transactions; and ensure the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and consumers.

Ensure transparent and healthy e-commerce activities, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and consumers; promote sustainable e-commerce development in Vietnam.

The scheme includes four specific goals.

First, perfect the system of policies and laws on inspection and handling of administrative violations, standards, measurement, product quality, goods and goods labels in e-commerce activities; complete the system of national standards and national technical regulations on product and goods quality; promote the application of codes and barcodes and traceability of products and goods.

Second, develop infrastructure and improve technology; build a database on combating counterfeit goods and protecting consumers for centralized, transparent and comprehensive management to effectively serve this work.

Third, 100% of officers performing public duties on combating counterfeit goods and protecting consumers are trained on e-commerce, and have qualifications to accomplish assigned tasks.

Fourth, 100% of major e-commerce exchanges sign commitments not to trade in fake goods; 100% of organizations and individuals doing business on major e-commerce exchanges are disseminated legal provisions on e-commerce, specialized laws for goods traded by them; 100% of consumers are disseminated and trained about the law on protecting their rights.

The scheme provides six solutions to realize the goals as follows.

Completing legal framework on e-commerce and consumer protection; building a centralized database on combating counterfeit goods and protecting consumers; develop infrastructure and equipment to ensure information security and safety for combating counterfeit goods and protecting consumers in e-commerce activities.

Improving qualification and skills for officers in law enforcement on combating counterfeit goods and protecting consumers in e-commerce activities; enhancing efficiency in coordination, inspection, examination and handling of violations among relevant agencies; disseminating, educating and raising the awareness of law compliance of entitles participating in e-commerce activities; implementing international cooperation on this field.

The decision takes effect from March 29.

By Quang Hung/Ngoc Loan


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