Vehicles carrying goods across Huu Nghi International Border Gate surges


VCN – The volume of vehicles transporting goods across Huu Nghi International Border Gate (Lang Son) surges. In recent days, about 600 vehicles have been carried out customs procedures at the border gate.

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Vehicles carrying goods across Huu Nghi International Border Gate surges

The number of vehicles carrying goods at Huu Nghi International Border Gate surges. Photo: Danh Tung

Representative of the Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone management board said that from January 8, import and export and entry and exit activities at Huu Nghi and Tan Thanh border gates had been gradually restored, increasing the volume of vehicles cleared to about 1,000 vehicles per day.

At Huu Nghi International Border Gate, the number of vehicles carrying import and export goods from inland to the border gate area of Vietnam and China is increasing, potentially causing congestion. Notably, when restoring the traditional delivery method, the number of vehicles at the border gate also surges, causing a backlog in the barie area when entering China.

Statistics of the Management Board of the economic zone at Dong Dang-Lang Son, from March 18 to March 22, the number of means of transporting goods across Huu Nghi International Border Gate increased higher than in the first half of the month. The number of vehicles carrying goods imported from China rose more than two times compared to the previous time.

In this period, about 620-630 vehicles were cleared per day at this border gate, rising about 300 vehicles compared with the first half of March. About 430-450 vehicles carrying imported goods to Vietnam across the border gate, up 230 vehicles compared with the first half.

As of March 22, about 200 vehicles were congested at Huu Nghi International Border Gate. On average, per day, about 200 vehicles carry goods from the domestic area to the Huu Nghi International Border Gate to carry out export procedures.

To prevent congestion and ensure effective customs clearance across Huu Nghi International Border Gate, the competent forces at the border gate has actively coordinated with the competent Chinese forces to increase the working time by one hour to quickly perform customs clearance for the vehicles of the two sides.

The representative also said that the branch worked with competent agencies at the border gate to implement solutions to re-export the Chinese vehicles that had delivered goods within a day and prevent the backlog at the border gate.

Huu Nghi Customs has also recommended that enterprises and drivers transport goods at the border gate appropriately to avoid congestion, affecting the customs clearance time and increasing costs.

According to the representative of the Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone management board, in recent days, due to the sharp increase in the number of means of transport of import and export goods across Huu Nghi International Border Gate, some time congestion has occurred at outside the border gate area.

The Police and Traffic Inspectors have actively coordinated to classify lanes to prevent a backlog of cars for too long on National Highway 1A.

By Nu Bui/Ngoc Loan


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