Performing the advisory role in anti smuggling


Performing the advisory role in anti-smuggling
Specialized car of the Anti-smuggling and Investigation Department served for the task of supervision and inspection. In the photo: Customs force conducted supervision and inspection for violated shipments at Hai Phong port area in June 2021. Photo: T.Bình

Timely advisory

According to Deputy Director of the Anti-smuggling and Investigation Department Nguyen Van Hoan, the Department has advised leaders of the General Department to direct customs forces across the whole sector to effectively implement the directives of the Government, National Steering Committee 389, Steering Committee 138/CP, Ministry of Finance.

From that, making decisions to implement the “dual goals” with the complex development of Covid-19 as well as the domestic and international economy. For example, strengthening measures of anti-smuggling, against trade fraud and counterfeit goods at land border gates, seaports, rivers, international airports and other areas under customs management; performing cargo clearance and goods release.

Furthermore, the unit concentrates on strictly controlling fields such as e-customs procedures, transshipment goods, independent transport, temporary import and re-export, processing and foreign investment; detecting and preventing the act of illegal transport of weapons and bullets across the border; strengthening anti-smuggling, preventing illegal transport of medical masks and equipment.

Besides that, the unit actively coordinated with competent forces to strengthen patrols, inspect and strictly control border areas; promote information sharing, fight to detect and arrest smugglers, and promote domestic production.

In 2021, the unit issued 17 guidance documents and warnings which focused on banned items, fraud of origin, labeled “Made in Vietnam”; illegal transport of narcotics on means of transport; goods temporary imported and re-exported, goods deposited into bonded warehouses; weapons and ammunition illegally transported across the border; electronic components, machinery, high-tech goods, alcohol, cosmetics, supplementary foods and transit goods.

Focusing on handling big topics

Notably, in 2021, the Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department organised to advise leaders of the General Department of Vietnam Customs to direct many key topics in the field of anti-smuggling.

“On the basis of collecting information and evaluating suspicious signs and implementing professional measures, the Department discovered, investigated and verified a number of enterprises manufacturing and exporting cashew nuts which had a large import and export turnover. Enterprises importing under the type of import and export production, but actually they did not export and transferred to domestic consumption in order to evade taxes,” a representative of the Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department said.

Along with that are strengthening inspection and supervision for imported goods exceeding the prescribed time limit for completing customs procedures or requesting re-export due to being mistakenly sent, lost, unclaimed or refusing to send goods being stored at ports, yards or border gates; strengthen investigation and fight against origin fraud for Thai sugar products with signs of fake sugar originating from other countries for importing into Vietnam in the southwestern border area.

Facing the phenomenon of rice imported from India with forged origin, labeling goods (the packaging labeled as Vietnamese rice), infringing intellectual property rights, illegally transferring Vietnamese white rice products (discovered in Ho Chi Minh City), the Department has advised the General Department of Vietnam Customs to issue a plan to strengthen the inspection and determination of origin for rice products imported and exported, temporary import and re-export rice (agricultural products) from India and other countries.

Regarding drug prevention and control, facing the complex situation of illegal drug trafficking and transport across the border, the Department advised the leaders of the General Department of Vietnam Customs to direct the units to effectively implement Official Letter No. 1477/VPCP-KGVX dated March 9, 2021 of the Government Office on orientations, key tasks and work program for 2021 of the National Committee for AIDS Prevention and Control, drug and prostitution prevention and control.

At the same time, the units are requested to continue to thoroughly understand and implement documents on drug prevention and control of leaders at all levels and Plan No. 6197/KH-TCHQ dated September 22, 2020 of the General Department of Vietnam Customs on strengthening and improving the effectiveness of the Customs sector in the prevention, combat and control of drugs and precursors.


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