Customs drastically implementing solutions in budget collection


VCN – The General Department of Customs has issued Directive 439 to drastically implement solutions to facilitate trade, improve the efficiency of state management, and prevent revenue loss in State budget collection in 2022.

Customs officers of Ho Chi Minh City inspect imported goods. Photo: T.Hoa
Customs officers of Ho Chi Minh City inspect imported goods. Photo: T.Hoa

The General Department of Customs in 2022 is assigned a revenue estimate of VND352,000 billion by the National Assembly. This estimate is developed on the basis of economic data such as the GDP growth rate of 6-6.5%; crude oil price of US$60/barrel; taxable export growth of 8.1%, taxable import growth of 6.6% amid the complicated pandemic situation.

The Ministry of Finance assigned an ambitious target 5% higher than the estimate.

In order to effectively implement the above task, the Director General of the General Department of Customs requested subordinate and affiliated units to mobilise resources to drastically carry out tasks from the beginning of the year.

Moreover, the customs units are required to continue to implement Directive 11/CT-TTg dated March 4, 2020 of the Prime Minister on urgent tasks and solutions to remove difficulties for production and business and ensure social security in response to the Covid-19 pandemic; regularly accompany, and remove difficulties and problems related to customs procedures and tax policies for the business community; conduct administrative reform towards enhancing the application of information technology, improving the business environment and raising national competitiveness, contributing to attracting foreign investment, promoting production and export development, helping economic growth, creating more favorable conditions for the tax collection management of Customs.Accordingly, customs units are required to follow Resolution 01 dated January 8, 2022 of the Government, develop and drastically and synchronously implement action plans on the reform of administrative procedures, customs modernization, improving the business environment and enhancing national competitiveness in 2022 at the request of the Government in Resolution 02 dated January 10, 2022; and Resolution 43/2022/QH15 dated January 11, 2022 on fiscal and monetary policies to support the socio-economic recovery and development program.

The Director General requested the heads of the units to guide all cadres and civil servants to raise awareness and the significance of the reform and modernization work associated with improving the efficiency of the management in the process of public duty performance; identify the improvement of the index of cross-border trade transactions as a key task of customs reform and modernization.

Besides, the customs units are required to complete the process of customs procedures, specialized processes, smart Customs model, Digital Customs with a high degree of automation and application of new and modern technological achievements on the digital platform, ensuring compatibility, transparency, effectiveness, efficiency, predictability and adaptability to developments of international trade as well as management requirements of the Customs sector towards building e-Government and Digital Government; mobilize resources on building a new information technology system, in line with international standards, meeting the requirements of smart administration, capable of integrating, connecting and sharing information with ministries, agencies and businesses through the National Single Window.

The units are required to implement Decision 38 dated January 12, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving the Project on reforming the model of quality inspection and food safety inspection for imported goods; reform specialized management and inspection of import and export goods; study and propose amendments and supplements to regulations on specialized management and inspection of import and export goods in the Law on specialized management and inspection in the direction of cutting goods in group 2; applying the principles of risk management based on the legal compliance of the enterprise and the risk level of the goods; changing the management method from inspecting each consignment to inspecting each item (except for goods subject to quarantine and plant varieties).

Budget collection in customs branch with revenue of ten billion dollars Budget collection in customs branch with revenue of ten billion dollars

In addition, the customs units are required to strengthen the fight against revenue loss through inspection and supervision of the implementation of customs procedures, tax administration, post-customs clearance inspection, specialized inspection, internal inspection, fight against smuggling, trade fraud; proactively review, classify, recover and handle tax debts incurred before January 1, 2022, and prevent new debts in 2022 through inspection and examination.

By Nu Bui/ Huyen Trang


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