Counterfeit goods and intellectual property rights infringement still continue


Total effort to prevent smuggled and counterfeit goods in Ho Chi Minh City Total effort to prevent smuggled and counterfeit goods in Ho Chi Minh City
Vietnam, Japan cooperate in IP protection, counterfeit goods prevention Vietnam, Japan cooperate in IP protection, counterfeit goods prevention
Counterfeit goods and intellectual property rights infringement still continue

Many types of counterfeit goods and goods infringing on intellectual property rights were discovered and handled by the Market Surveillance force. Photo: Quang Hung

There are still many difficulties

Recently, law enforcement forces, including Market Surveillance forces, have implemented many measures and developed many inspection and control plans against acts of intellectual property rights infringement, counterfeit goods and commercial fraud.

In 2023, the Market Surveillance force inspected and examined 71,928 cases, discovered and handled 52,351 violations, collecting over 501 billion VND to the budget. Including 9,246 violations of counterfeit goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights, goods of unknown origin, administrative fines of 92.5 billion VND; The value of infringing goods was over 118.3 billion VND.

According to the General Department of Market Surveillance, the fight against counterfeit goods, unknown origin and infringement of intellectual property rights has had many positive changes. In some prominent areas, violations have decreased significantly compared to before, the awareness of law observance of individuals, production, import and business organizations has gradually improved. However, the results achieved are still not adequate, the situation of counterfeit goods, goods of unknown origin, and goods infringing on intellectual property rights is becoming more and more complicated.

The inspection and handling of enforcement forces faces many difficulties in identifying genuine goods, counterfeit goods, and what types of protected goods are; Many new forms of fraud by production and business entities arise; new business methods, the coordination between rights holders and inspection agencies, etc.

Coordinate to train and share experiences

Recently, at the Workshop “Protection of intellectual property rights between Vietnam and Japan”, Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Science and Technology Nguyen Nhu Quynh said that the fight work of the functional forces still has many difficulties because the capacity of officials is still certainly limited. Therefore, in addition to improving legal policies, it is necessary to strengthen training to improve human resources and raise consumer awareness. Because if there is still user acceptance of fake products, all efforts from a management perspective will not be effective.

According to Deputy Director of the Department of Operations (General Department of Market Surveillance) Nguyen Duc Le, in recent times, the market management force has drastically and synchronously deployed solutions such as propaganda work, improving enforcement capacity, and strengthening coordination, market control, inspection, etc, fight against counterfeit goods and goods infringing on intellectual property rights. The General Department of Market Surveillance has issued and implemented Decision No. 888 on the Plan to fight against counterfeit goods, unknown origin and infringement of intellectual property rights in the period from 2021 to 2025 and Decision 319 of the Prime Minister to approve the project on Anti-counterfeit and consumer protection in e-commerce until 2025.

In particular, the General Department of Market Surveillance aims to no longer have counterfeit goods, goods infringing on intellectual property rights, goods of unknown origin displayed publicly nationwide; There is no longer a situation of openly producing and trading counterfeit goods and goods infringing intellectual property rights in craft villages across the country. Owners of e-commerce sites and social networks commit to not allowing the public sale of counterfeit goods, goods infringing on intellectual property rights, or goods of unknown origin on their platforms.

In addition, the Project on anti-counterfeiting and consumer protection in e-commerce by 2025 aims to perfect the system of policies and laws on inspection, handling of administrative violations, standards and measurement, quality of products, goods, and brands in e-commerce activities. At the same time, develop infrastructure and improve technology; build a database system on anti-counterfeiting and consumer protection; 100% of enforcement officials and civil servants are trained and equipped with knowledge about e-commerce and have enough capacity, expertise and skills to successfully complete assigned tasks. In addition, 100% of e-commerce platforms signed a commitment not to sell counterfeit goods; Organizations and individuals doing business on e-commerce platforms and consumers are propagated and disseminated the provisions of law.

“Enterprises with products sold in the Vietnamese market need to increase coordination, provide information and appoint legal representatives to support inspection and handling of violations. Simultaneously, coordinate to organize seminars to share experiences in the fight against counterfeit goods and goods infringing intellectual property rights; Support courses and professional training in preventing and combating counterfeit goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights, managing and supervising e-commerce activities”, Mr. Nguyen Duc Le emphasized.


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