23 customs offences prosecuted


VCN – In the first quarter of 2023, Customs has prosecuted and prosecuted other competent agencies for prosecuting 18 violations.

Over 1,000 customs offences handled in May Over 1,000 customs offences handled in May
More than 10,000 customs offences handled More than 10,000 customs offences handled
23 customs offences prosecuted
Hai Phong Customs Department seized smuggled ivory in March. Photo: T.B

According to the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC), smuggling and trade fraud have been complicated in the first quarter. In the Northern border gates, the Customs have detected violations related to smuggling and trade fraud, such as failing to declare and falsely declaring the actual volume of goods, concealing the origin and route of the consignment, and importing goods ineligible for import.

Smugglers have illegally traded and transported high-profitable items such as Diesel Oil (DO), coal, wildlife, and used electronic products. Wildlife products such as ivory and rhino horn tend to be transported from seaports in the South and Central regions to northern Hai Phong and Quang Ninh provinces.

On the other hand, taking advantage of incentive policies and the development of e-commerce, express delivery methods, cargo and luggage deposit services, etc., domestic and foreign smugglers have colluded to establish smuggling rings to illegally transport goods and currency via international airports such as weapons, explosives, wildlife, alcohol, cigarette, medicines, cosmetics, electronic products, used consumer goods, other high-value goods.

The GDVC has directed units and local customs departments to expedite the prevention of smuggling, trade fraud and fake goods across border gates, airports, and areas inland areas. The country’s top customs regulator has promoted its role of an advisory and assisting body for the National Steering Committee 389 and the Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance in building programs, plans and warnings in the prevention of smuggling, commercial fraud, counterfeit goods, poor quality goods, drugs and crime.

In addition, the GDVC has concretized and executed key plans and programs in each area to recommend and guide localities on anti-smuggling in the customs control area; updated information related to new drugs, new methods and trends of smuggling and drug-related crimes.

In March, the whole Customs sector arrested 1,712 violations with the total value of infringing goods of VND480.3 billion VND; and collected VND 21.7 billion. In addition, the Customs Authority prosecuted two cases and transferred six cases to other agencies.

In the first quarter, the Customs arrested 3,657 customs offences with a total value of infringing goods of VND1,004.821 billion and collected VND179.2 billion. In addition, the authority prosecuted five cases and transferred 18 cases to other agencies for prosecution.

By Thai Binh/Ngoc Loan


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